Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kickin the Can Down the Road!

The leaders "of a special bipartisan commission created to recommend ways to lower federal deficits and the national debt said Tuesday that they're delaying a vote on recommendations until Friday." The "leaders of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform," however, "announced that they'd make their report public Wednesday as planned." The delay came "in hopes of winning more support for" the report "from...members of the commission."  Erskine Bowles, "the commission's Democratic co-chairman," said yesterday, "The era of deficit denial in Washington is over. ... The plan we submit tomorrow... it's not going to be some watered down version of the chairman's mark." The Hill ~ Editor’s note:  The last I heard was the committee couldn’t get to 18 votes in favor of the plan.  Bipartisanship is alive and well and is shown in this exercise to be the poison that will kill the federal, promise them everything, government.  The good news is that Paul Ryan and other Republicans plan on incorporating up to 85% of the recommendations into the next budget!  Man the ramparts!
Babies and Bathwater!  The last time I looked there were very few if any insurance actuaries or underwriters in Congress.  Politicians poking their collective nose into this specialty field are asking for big problems.  The reason insurance rates are going up is because of the mandate to accept everyone regardless of current health problems.  They may win points for empathy but will, in the process, put specialty hospitals like St Jude’s and Shriners out of business.  
And In This Corner!   The Budget Committee is where it’s at in the 112th Congress!  As the oddicle says Paul Ryan will be pitted against Chris Van Hollen, ranking member, who will be attempting to keep the status quo for liberal programs at the expense of future American generations.  In case you are unaware of Van Hollen he was the man that predicted the Democrats would keep the House two days before election.  A committed liberal he has a difficult time with reality and fiscal responsibility!
Once Burned!  It never ceases to amaze me how any politician can be so blind as to what increased taxation can do to a weak economy…taxes decrease the propensity to spend…lack of spending will slow the economy…a slow economy is what we have already and it ain’t good!  Ideologists seemingly don’t care!  Luckily, we only have a few weeks until Nancy, with the surgically altered face will move down to the body of the House.
Sustain This!  Does anybody see a pattern developing here?  Americans need jobs but the Democrats want to starve investment capital through taxation, government wants to kill our energy independence (see above) and now the community organizer may be killing the airline industry.  Not unlike the last blog “We Need a Plan A” this oddicle points out a not too subtle conspiracy of destroying private businesses while corralling Americans into sustainable communities where they can be watched and controlled.  I only hope this happens after my lifetime.  What say you?
Can’t Say We Weren’t Warned!  I think this oddicle should be a warning to conservatives who think a Republican is a shoe-in for the 2012 election for President.  Besides Nobama’s charisma voters turn out for Presidential elections and those new voters are minorities and the Utes of America.  These voters are totally uninformed and vote for whom they consider to be a rock star.  Then they go back to their cybercafes as the country suffers for their bad judgment.  I still don’t understand how Utes can be allowed to vote at eighteen but not allowed to drink alcohol…could it be they are too immature to choose their drink wisely?

There has to be some sanity to all of this!


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