Thursday, December 29, 2011

Walking It Back!

Going Through the Motions!  
I am both relieved and a bit cynical to see this story after my post of yesterday…as most of us are familiar with the way Federal Corporation works, using legislative trickery to insert provisions in bills that are written by lobbyists containing hundreds of pages that Congress critters don’t read, who wouldn’t have one or both of my emotions. 

I’m relieved that some legislators have a conscience but cynical that a separate bill is needed to override the provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act. Why was this atrocious bill passed in the first place?  What were they thinking?

Until this bill wends its way through Congress the American people are vulnerable to Bill of Rights abuses.  There’s always the chance that this bill stalls in Congress while American falls back to sleep and forgets about it.  Also, there’s a chance that the Supremes would hear the first case involving the 1031 provisions of the NDAA but that could take years, especially, if someone is taken from their home in the middle of the night and is denied access to counsel. 

Cynical “me” feels this may be a way for derelict legislators to cover their hinnies!  When people are deprived due process they become political prisoners.  Politics is becoming a blood sport…

I plan to follow this issue and will keep you apprised!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nobama Blinked!

After this morning's surprise release by the White House of what it claims is Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate, an author challenging Obama's legal eligibility to be president – whose upcoming book has become a No. 1 bestseller a month before its release – summarizes his response to the day's events in two words: "Obama blinked." Jerome Corsi, PhD ~ Editor’s note:  If you read my post from last week you are aware of the real criteria for natural born citizenship.  Being born in Hawaii only makes him a U.S. Citizen which is light years from being a natural born U.S. Citizen.  I’ll add a few facts to my interpretation of the fallout surrounding this evident attempt to squash the teasers put out by Trump.
Keep Your Story Straight!  I think Corsi is absolutely correct in his assumption that Nobama blinked!  This reminds me of the U2 Affair in 1960.  The U2 goes missing for a few days and some underling at the State Department publishes a cover story saying the pilot, Gary Powers, lost consciousness and inadvertently flew into Soviet airspace.  Gotcha! Then the Soviets later reported the pilot was alive.  Oops!  I think the main stream media will try to hush this story up by vilifying anyone who pursues the truth but then what can we expect from a press corps that is bought and paid for?  
Definitions are Essential!  This oddicle makes it very simple to understand the difference between “native born” and “natural born!”  If only the press would discern the differences and report the truth…oh, I forgot, telling it like it is wouldn’t help the resume.  A little known fact is that Kenya wasn’t a country in 1961 as it is outlined in the oddicle, it was a British Crown Colony making the old man a British subject.  Oops, oops and more oops!
It Gets Better!  Corsi has a new book coming out in three weeks and he has researched the hell out of this subject.  I urge you to follow all of his material and think about buying the book for your edification.
A Few Asides!  I found it odd that the race of the father on the BC is stated to be African.  OK, BHO Senior was born in Kenya or the British Crown Colony of Kenya which is located in Africa.  Makes sense to some degree! However his mother was born in Wichita, Kansas so that occurrence should make her American if we follow this line of logic, correct?  No, African and American are not races…they are nationalities.  Since the BC states Mama Nobama to be Caucasian it stands to reason that Big Daddy ought to be describes as Negro or Negroid, terms that were widely used in those days and are still germane today.  If you doubt this assertion refer back to your 2010 U.S. Census form. In addition, since my heritage goes back to Ireland, England and Eastern Austria or Western Poland, depending on where the border was back in the 19th Century, wouldn’t that make me European instead of Caucasian?  Only a contemporary politically correct liberal would forge a document, like this one, always fearful of being offensive!  This story is not over since Nobama weighed into the fray with both eyes closed! 

I forged better ID cards in high school to gain access to the local pubs!
