Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day of Reckoning Is Fast Approaching!

"Local Republican congressman, Paul Ryan, campaigned for re-election by calling for reductions in the growth of Medicare and Social Security" –and yet he "won with 68% of the vote." As President Obama and Congress "turn their attention...to balancing the budget, even sacred items such as retirement programs will be fair game -- something Ryan tells his constituents regularly." USA Today ~ Editor’s notes:  It’s probably a sure thing that both parties will be offering up ideas to reduce spending but the interesting debate will be whose proposals will be on the table.  Democrats want to reduce the military and Republicans want to reduce social spending on wasteful programs that ensure liberal victories.  Maybe it’s about time to pull back on our world policing duties and bring the Yanks home to protect our southern borders…nah that would reduce the flow of illegal’s that tend to vote Democrat.   
Questions but No Answers!  http://tinyurl.com/23ppqrn  After reading eight books about 9/11 and reviewing upwards of 250 websites that expose the duplicity of the corporate federal government I find it next to impossible for anyone to believe the official propaganda.  I was unfortunate to have learned that there were no North Vietnamese gunboats in the Tonkin Gulf only weeks prior to shipping out for Swift Boat duty in Vietnam.  The time I was there I spent walking on egg shells knowing the war was fabricated.  At the time I didn’t know why but I knew there was something amiss.  This episode of American history is just another chapter in big brothers joke book to control people.  If you doubt me please browse around the other videos found in this link such as this one!   http://tinyurl.com/2arvleq  
Wrongful Indignation!  http://tinyurl.com/24n2tu9  Every time I read about Maxine I flashback to Clinton’s impeachment proceedings when David Shippers, the House Judiciary Committee counsel, was admonished by the lady from Watts for saying all of the dead veterans who fought to protect and defend the Constitution would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what Clinton had done to offend our founding document.  I think if they knew about this woman’s exploits in Congress they would be doing a jig, albeit in cramped spaces, knowing she will be facing an ethics trial.
News Not Fit for Our Media!  http://tinyurl.com/yd8gnqp   This news item was briefly mentioned last Wednesday on Fox Special Report.  The next day I looked high and low for some amplifying data so I could post it last Friday.  I was both surprised and dumbfounded that there was no report to be found anywhere.  I went to FoxNews.com and replayed Wednesday’s program but this and only this factoid was deleted from the video.  Why?  Could it be that this bad news was released on one of the slowest news days of the year, prior to a long weekend holiday, so few news junkies would notice!  This means, if you are unaware, that the dollar will decrease in value as other countries dumb their reserves thereby flooding our economy with cheaper dollars.  It won't happen overnight but it but it is happening!  Enjoy your $15.00 Big Mac!
Ya Gotta Give a Little!  http://tinyurl.com/23j9774  Trying to compromise on whose money they spend seems like an impossible task.  If our economy was based in real money, and not fiat currency that is printed into existence with out any precious metals behind it, Congress would really have to keep spending within the budget. If an emergency came up some other spending would have to be sacrificed.  Can Americans learn that money doesn’t grow on trees, yes it’s made from wood pulp but that is just a coincidence!  
We Need a Plan A!  http://tinyurl.com/242ll5s  Of all the oddicles that have been written exposing the TSA tragedy and the nefarious people pushing for government domination over our lives this is the best.  Ms. Eakman clearly lays out a simple plan that will stop the humiliation and denigration of the American people!  You may disagree because it is easier to go along to get along but may your junk fall off in the process!

If you plan to stock up, in case the dollar goes south, don’t forget toilet paper and candles! 


Friday, November 26, 2010

Something Just Isn't Right!

When both Judge Napolitano and Geraldo Rivera, biggest names on “fair and balanced” Fox News, agree that calling 9/11 a “wingnut conspiracy” was a mistake, you would expect more to happen.  The government should be shaken to its roots; network after network should be picking up the story and something, anything, should be in the newspapers.  Instead, everyone, yes, everyone in the media, everyone in government, is pretending it didn’t happen; just hoping it will go away. The reason they are reacting this way is simple, if even part of 9/11 gets out, part of the easily proven truth, there can’t be enough unexpected “heart attacks’ and plane crashes to keep everything from crashing in.  Gordon Duff - Veterans Today ~ Editor’s notes: This issue is one of my favorites due to the obvious bungled attempt to cover up what any sane, logical or intelligent person can discern given just a few of the facts.  No steel reinforced structure had ever collapsed due to a fire since the first such building was constructed in the 19th century.  In the 1906 San Francisco earthquake the Call building was left standing after each floor was consumed by flame.  The government wants us to believe that the laws of physics, science and engineering didn’t apply on 9/11!
The Truth Shall Prevail!    http://tinyurl.com/2fx68em  Nine years after the fact this story continues to have legs.  Nowhere is it mentioned on lame stream media or cable news including FOX.  I personally watched O’Reilly go ballistic with tenured Professor Stephen Jones, formerly the head of the Engineering Department at BYU, because Jones averred that fire couldn’t have destroyed the WTC.  He was later summarily fired from BYU without an explanation.  I suppose BYU receives government grants…now watch this video of Geraldo making a concession regarding 9/11 Truthers and then watch the head of “A&E for 911 Truth” give insights to the cover up. Keep in mind that 9/11 begot TSA scanners!
Typhoid Mary Lives!  http://tinyurl.com/26fpf4w  TSA seems to be the new Typhoid Mary!  Everyone who flies is well aware of the airborne contagions that infect passengers but after reading this oddicle you may think again regarding flying the unfriendly skies.  In the medical world it would be unthinkable for a provider to move from one patient to another without replacing the latex gloves before each encounter.  At the TSA enemy encounter stations the idea of latex is to protect the agent from catching disease transmitted by passengers.  Of course that is not a sure thing as agents touch their own clothing between pat-downs, thereby ensuring total contamination.  Way to go TSA!
Defending the Incompetent!  http://tinyurl.com/27dbptc  If TSA is allowed to unionize then the lowest member of the food chain will be allowed to maintain their job without recourse for incompetence, deviant behavior or assault.  Reagan was faced with a similar problem with air traffic controllers, back in 1981, they were all fired and life went on.  The only problem in this situation is that Democrats enacted a law against banning TSA from organizing.  Even if the new Republican House votes to bar organizing do you think a Democrat Senate and especially the Community Organizer in Chief will allow such a bill to be enacted into law.  However, if the federal de facto government collapses where will funding for the TSA come from?
Let’s Not Forget About the Messiah! http://tinyurl.com/26eokkd  There is so much news surrounding TSA that most other topics are suffocating for lack of oxygen.  This oddicle brings us back to earth regarding governance that will be reset come next January.  Our fate regarding Nobamacare and freedom to travel lies in the balance!  I think the acquiescence of Americans to body scanners embolden bureaucrats to subject the people to more dehumanizing tactics of subjugation! 

Nick Anderson Bruce Beattie Lisa Benson Chip Bok Ken Catalino Bob Gorrell Kevin Kallaugher Steve Kelley Glenn McCoy Michael Ramirez Steve Sack Mike Thompson 

Beware of the news that isn’t presented by the media!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Take An Indian to Lunch This Week!

After observing that Obama trails in hypothetical 2012 matchups against Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Jeb Bush, Malcolm reveals with a tinge of excitement: “And, oh, my! Lookee here! Obama has even fallen into a statistical tie with none other than Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor. How embarrassing that is because other polls have shown a majority of Americans believe she is unqualified for the presidency. So it appears many have now decided, on second thought, Obama looks that way, too.” Newsmax ~ Editor’s note:  It is apparent that Nobama is doing a poor job as CEO of the federal corporation but in respects to his ideology many of his former fans are jumping ship.  Minorities and youthful voters are either misinformed or voting for handouts from the public trough.  Concerned, informed or competent voters they are not! 
Don’t Touch That Dial!  http://tinyurl.com/289ydhh  I can’t for the life of me understand why taxpayers should have to contribute to the operating budget of any organization that spews opinions that are in opposition to the beliefs of many taxpayers.  Everyone has a right of free speech but why should I have to pay for their right.  They should cough up the money in order to support themselves or turn off the transmitters!
Moving To the Left or Right!  http://tinyurl.com/278x7du  I don’t often write about local political races, unless it is about Barney or Nancy, because there are hundreds of them that don’t resonate with most Americans let alone my readers.  But…this oddicle did in fact resonate with me for two reasons.  First, I grew up in that part of the country, highly Republican when I was a child and rabidly Democrat after I matriculated west in the 1960’s.  Secondly, reading this story was somewhat uplifting when Buerkle talked about her children’s prospects of making a living in Central New York.  This scenario is applicable all over this country and has been for the past five decades since Democrats owned and controlled Congress.  Time it changed! 
By The Company One Keeps! http://tinyurl.com/2bqz3at  Watch a few of these short promos by Nobama for his friend Alexi who was running for his old Senate seat while taking stock in Nobama’s self absorbed ego.  Nobama was trying to keep his seat in the Democrat side of the aisle but he was also endorsing a crooked banker who was entangled in Nobama’s shady dealing with Resko, Blagojevich, and other nefarious Democrats that hail from the windy city!  
Lou Dobbs Would Be Proud!  http://tinyurl.com/2c3y34a  I touch on this topic from time to time because of its ethereal nature.  There is absolute evidence that this story is true but the corporate owned courts, passing themselves off as Oddicle III courts, refuse to hear the discovery, thereby thwarting the truth and the rule of law.  If this case is heard many heads will roll including the surgically altered head of Nancy Pelosi, Biden, Reid and high ranking members of Nobama’s administration because they hoisted this fraud upon the nation.  Oh, by the way, every act Nobama signed into law, every nomination for the courts, ambassadorships, and commissions will be null and void.  It will be as if the past two years did not happen.  Awesome, dude!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, and look for the Barney Frank blimp in the Macy parade! 


If you are offended in any way by the content of this blog notify me immediately and I will delete you from the address list! 

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Time to Say Uncle!

"You can bet that before...Obama climbed aboard Air Force One for his trip home from the NATO summit in Portugal this weekend, he did not have to raise his arms in front of an X-ray scanner. Nor did a blue-gloved Transportation Security Administration officer run his hands over the presidential torso, feeling every bump and crevice from stem to stern. ... But if you're one of the 1.6 million Americans flying commercially this Thanksgiving week, Obama does feel your pain." Christian Science Monitor ~ Editor’s note:  The systematic erosion of our rights is not new in this country.  Every bank transaction, telephone call and medical record can be accessed, shared with government agencies and used against you at the whim of some bureaucrat.  When you board your plane don’t for one moment think your willingness to undergo molestation is keeping you safe.  Instead question if the cargo below your seat was properly inspected.
Stop the World I Want to Get Off!    http://tinyurl.com/28kulvd   Ron Paul exposes the politics of the left and in no uncertain terms the screwed up policies of TSA that is supposed to protect us from our enemies.  The security in place is not outcome oriented but rather form oriented.  Form meaning the political correctness that is like a cancer to our society.  Everything government initiates, dictates waste, fraud and abuse because bureaucrats thrive on these very elements of oligarchies. 
To Be Or Not To Be!  http://tinyurl.com/28bxk8c  David Horowitz explains in no uncertain terms that the Democrat Party has been taken over by a cult like organization that can only live by mantras and rigid ideology.  The party is unbending and operates for the sole reason of political dictatorship.  Although he is correct in certain assumptions he is missing the point in that both parties are controlled by the same people and only exist to present a pretentious option in our political science.  No matter the party the same agenda is fostered and nurtured for the benefit of the elite.
Let Me Do It!  http://tinyurl.com/299h9fw   I think all Americans should contact their own ethnic/religious club or church and petition the government to allow us to conduct our own pat downs.  The corporate government has spent thousands of lives, billions of dollars and nine years promoting propaganda insinuating Arabs/Muslims were solely responsible for the WTC debacle, and now big brother is actually thinking of appeasing their sensitivities?  I don’t know about you but I’m confused!
Nefarious Commission Vote!  http://tinyurl.com/285pgen  It is rather difficult to determine what side is right in this debate.  I think people are talking in double negatives in order to confuse the issue.  My experience taught me whenever government says it is doing something to protect and benefit the people we should head for the bunker!  Holding a commission vote days before Christmas is not unlike a congressional vote in 1913 that begot the Federal Reserve.  That vote was on 23 December in an era when politicians couldn’t catch a flight home for the holidays. Hum mm!
Reach for the Sky!  http://tinyurl.com/288sd2x  Watch this four minute video and learn what the lame stream media is ignoring.  If the mentioned pillars of financial power are insolvent can the country be far behind!  Ever since Nixon broke away from the 1944 Breton-Woods Treaty in August 1971 the U.S. dollar has been declining in value.  This action signified the replacement of a gold backed currency with a fiat (Monopoly Money) currency.  All fiat currencies have imploded and within a few short weeks our current dollar should collapse. What is happening in European Union is a harbinger of what we can expect to occur here very soon.  The end of the Corporation may be near! 
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Gate Groping is America’s newest obsession!    


Friday, November 19, 2010

Come Fly With Me!

House Republican leader John Boehner "on Thursday vowed quick action next year to try to roll back President Barack Obama's signature overhaul of the US healthcare system." Boehner said, "You'll see us move quickly enough." AFP adds Republicans "believe Obama's healthcare overhaul 'will bankrupt our nation' and 'believe it needs to be repealed and replaced with common-sense reforms to bring down the cost of health insurance,' said the Ohio lawmaker." Agence France-Presse-AFP ~ Editor’s note:  There is a very slim chance the House can do anything to repeal Nobamacare as long as Nobama has the power of the veto.  However, in respects to the growing deficit it makes perfect sense not to fund some of the outrageous sections of the bill.  If there is no money to pay for it then it is an extravagance!  Pelosi, with the surgically altered face, was all for Pay-Go!

Baffle Them With Spin!  http://tinyurl.com/26wx5gw  Pelosi and all politicians make up statistics on the spot at least 96% of the time.  The only thing these types have going for them is an uneducated and misinformed public.  Lie through your teeth but keep an honest face and stare back at the accuser.  Sounds like what I did to my poor mother!
States Elect Presidents!  http://tinyurl.com/2gxgp6s  Contrary to conventional wisdom Presidents are not elected by the people…each independent sovereign state puts the candidates on their respective ballots and every state votes to amass electoral votes from the Electoral College.  The United States Corporation, the de facto government, then tallies the electoral votes and that is how the President is elected.  If this legislation is passed then Nobama may miss being on all 50 state ballots.  Keep this in mind there are no national elections for president…only state elections for governors, senators and president but they all happen on the same day! 
The Not Me Syndrome!  http://tinyurl.com/2a3dsra   If any of you have been in command, in charge or a parent, you will readily detect moronic behavior when your charges deny culpability and try to blame their shortcomings on others.  Even Charlie Rangel had the intestinal fortitude to stand tall and apologize for his behavior when the Ethics Committee rendered their punishment on him.  Even though his arrogant dealings were swarthy I had to respect him for his belated gumption, humility and heartfelt apology!  I wish Nobama had the same DNA!
Krauthammer Waxes Commonsensical!  http://tinyurl.com/27hthvm   Yeah, we heard or read all that was germane to this latest episode in man’s struggle to be free of earth’s gravity but you must take the time to read this oddicle. His tongue in cheek commentary is witty, irreverent and applicable to all that is government!  Enjoy!  
Presidential Profile!  http://tinyurl.com/2fjov2w  Think about the content of this oddicle as Nobama is attending the NATO conference in Portugal.  The list of traits and known behavior is scary and is highly evident in Nobama’s persona.  It is common knowledge that Nobama has spent over $2 million trying to hide his past that would be an embarrassment to all Americans if the truth was made known.  The man is fast approaching a dilemma and is facing the ignominy of a one term Presidency!    


Nick Anderson Bruce Beattie
Lisa Benson Chip Bok Steve Breen Chris Britt Stuart Carlson Ken Catalino John Deering Bob Gorrell Walt Handelsman Steve Kelley Gary Markstein Jim Morin Marshall Ramsey Steve Sack Scott Stantis Gary Varvel 

Be aware of a worldwide catastrophic event…Nobama is out of the country!   


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Changes Are A Comin!

"It’s a major setback for the Obama Administration and its attempt to show that terror suspects held at Guantanamo can be tried successfully in civilian courts," and went on to call the verdict "very bad news for the government" and "a disaster." Ghailani was found "not guilty on four counts of conspiring with al Qaeda in the US embassy bombings back in 1998, in Tanzania and Kenya. Also he was found not guilty on 224 murder counts." In fact, he was only "convicted on one count of conspiring to destroy US property with explosives." CBS Evening News ~ Editor’s note:  Is it any wonder that the Justice Department screwed up on this trial?  How do you spell H-o-l-d-e-r?  Providing enemy combatants constitutional protections is tantamount to cooking breakfast for the cat burglar as he loads up his booty in the trunk of your car.  Holder is a loser and most likely a racist in his dismissing the New Black Panther case.   
Revolution in Christie Land!   http://tinyurl.com/2uordsy   Many strange things are happening in New Jersey since governor's election victory last year and what you will find in this video is just the tip of the iceberg.  In the past what Progressives/Liberals wanted New Jersey delivered!  Now that Nobama economics have been exposed many New Jerseyites have jumped ship for a saner platform!  Before you know it Mafioso’s will be going to church without violin cases.
There Are No Shoe-ins!   http://tinyurl.com/25z58f8  Many times it has been said the voting public has short memories!  Just two short years ago the Republican Party was written off as an aborted zygote…yet they came back with a vengeance that woke the dead and living dead.  Republicans have to remain vigilant of crafty Liberal politicians that could jump up and bite the GOP squarely in the buttocks.  They must remain attuned to the deviant behavior of opposition and set their own course for reformation!
Inside Deals and Cronyism!  http://tinyurl.com/2dwzrwy  Pardon my redundancy but there is a slight difference in the definitions.  Former politicians and staff have taken advantage of past relationships while in the seat of power to benefit from current legislation.  Everybody is willing to scratch someone’s back for profit and within a few months of the new Congress being sworn in the cronyism will continue unabated!
We Hardly Knew Ye!  http://tinyurl.com/26pgoz2  This is an old refrain from John F. Kennedy’s staff members’ years ago but it is apropos to this day in that the GOP doesn’t know anything about Nobama.  There is legislation that will forbid any candidate form running in Presidential elections if they do not produce proof of natural born citizen ship.  Looks like Nobama may have a challenge!
Getting to Know All About You!  http://tinyurl.com/356h4rf  This oddicle, although sizable, better explains some of the particularities of Nobama.  It is revealing how narcissistic this man is when looking back at his behavior.  No wonder he has a difficult time associating with the people that voted for him.  Not unlike another narcissist I know, John F. Kerry, who was more concerned how he looked in the rear view mirror than the substance of his character.  These men are dangerous because it’s all about them!  Print this puppy out for bedtime reading…
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

If you have any comments please use the comments section of this blog.  As always, if you care to drop off the mailing list please say so in the comments.  I hope you are able to access this blog so let me know if you are having problems that I can alleviate!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Next Up...Body Cavity Searches!

Airline passengers "who object to any type of physical screening are not going to fly anywhere, the head of the Transportation Security Administration told a congressional committee Tuesday." When "quizzed by lawmakers about a controversial new airport procedure that uses revealing full-body scan machines and intimate 'pat-downs' of those who object or set off alarms, TSA Administrator John S. Pistole appealed to the flying public to become 'partners' in the effort to combat terrorism." But Pistole "told the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs that his inspectors at 453 of the nation's airports are not going to back down in the face of complaints that techniques are invasive." Washington Post ~ Editor’s note:  This TSA administrator is beginning to pistole me off!  The latest from the rumor mill is that Muslim women wearing Burqas will only have to undergo a pat down of the head and neck.  There could be a nuclear bomb strapped to their thighs but we mustn’t offend the very people that have sworn to kill all infidels!  Oh, hey you, Blondie, let’s spread ‘em! 
Everybody Say Cheese!  http://tinyurl.com/32etub4  It looks like the public outrage over the body scanners will not deter the moronic bureaucrats to change their position regarding unreasonable search.  The Israelis tried to tell the United States of a better method of screening, called profiling, but Norm Minetta, TSA honcho for Bush and being Japanese was adamantly against this highly efficient process.  Actually, law enforcement uses this technique every day and it seems to work.  There are more drug pushers near playgrounds and back alleys than in churches!
Religious Preferences My Foot!   http://tinyurl.com/32ddvyu  This is just a follow up to the editor’s note. If this exception is made regarding Muslim babes standby to standby!  The world is currently upside down and will begin to wobble on Thanksgiving Eve…there are rumors of an “opt out” protest.  If you must fly think Tuesday! 
Left, Right But Not Center!  http://tinyurl.com/3xo2vcl  This oddicle touches on an issue that will be discussed over and over these next two years.  The main legislative movement will be to kill Nobamacare and create jobs.  Nobama won’t let his baby die by the hand of conservatives and he hasn’t a clue how to allow Americans to find gainful employment.  I don’t think there will be much of a problem because when the economy falls Nobama will most likely take a powder or live in Air Force One circling the globe!
Off With Her Head!  http://tinyurl.com/2ammtx8  I’m personally torn over the outcome of Pelosi’s, with the surgically altered face, caucus election scheduled for today.  Like many a pundit has suggested, she would be perfect as the face of the Democrats, conservatives and independents have grown to despise!  On the other hand I would love to see her defeated by her caucus for what she perpetrated on the people with her heavy handedness over Nobamacare! 
Unwaivering or Unstable!  http://tinyurl.com/26kt3r6  The Nobamacare repeal will be postponed until the new Congress due to the fact that the dead duck Democrats will vote against any repeal bill because they have nothing to loss.  This oddicle demonstrates a persistent thread of thought by the right but may not become a reality due to the veto threat of Nobama and the inability to overcome veto.  The Right will starve the law and will wait until Nobama is back in Kenya!

The new look of the blog!

After experiencing multiple obstacles in my attempt to send my post yesterday I decided to take a stab at using a blog.  I can assure you I will make many changes to the blog over the next few weeks until I find one that will allow me ease of use.  In the meantime enjoy the ride and feel free to make suggestions as I am a novice to the blogosphere!
