Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Time to Say Uncle!

"You can bet that before...Obama climbed aboard Air Force One for his trip home from the NATO summit in Portugal this weekend, he did not have to raise his arms in front of an X-ray scanner. Nor did a blue-gloved Transportation Security Administration officer run his hands over the presidential torso, feeling every bump and crevice from stem to stern. ... But if you're one of the 1.6 million Americans flying commercially this Thanksgiving week, Obama does feel your pain." Christian Science Monitor ~ Editor’s note:  The systematic erosion of our rights is not new in this country.  Every bank transaction, telephone call and medical record can be accessed, shared with government agencies and used against you at the whim of some bureaucrat.  When you board your plane don’t for one moment think your willingness to undergo molestation is keeping you safe.  Instead question if the cargo below your seat was properly inspected.
Stop the World I Want to Get Off!   Ron Paul exposes the politics of the left and in no uncertain terms the screwed up policies of TSA that is supposed to protect us from our enemies.  The security in place is not outcome oriented but rather form oriented.  Form meaning the political correctness that is like a cancer to our society.  Everything government initiates, dictates waste, fraud and abuse because bureaucrats thrive on these very elements of oligarchies. 
To Be Or Not To Be!  David Horowitz explains in no uncertain terms that the Democrat Party has been taken over by a cult like organization that can only live by mantras and rigid ideology.  The party is unbending and operates for the sole reason of political dictatorship.  Although he is correct in certain assumptions he is missing the point in that both parties are controlled by the same people and only exist to present a pretentious option in our political science.  No matter the party the same agenda is fostered and nurtured for the benefit of the elite.
Let Me Do It!   I think all Americans should contact their own ethnic/religious club or church and petition the government to allow us to conduct our own pat downs.  The corporate government has spent thousands of lives, billions of dollars and nine years promoting propaganda insinuating Arabs/Muslims were solely responsible for the WTC debacle, and now big brother is actually thinking of appeasing their sensitivities?  I don’t know about you but I’m confused!
Nefarious Commission Vote!  It is rather difficult to determine what side is right in this debate.  I think people are talking in double negatives in order to confuse the issue.  My experience taught me whenever government says it is doing something to protect and benefit the people we should head for the bunker!  Holding a commission vote days before Christmas is not unlike a congressional vote in 1913 that begot the Federal Reserve.  That vote was on 23 December in an era when politicians couldn’t catch a flight home for the holidays. Hum mm!
Reach for the Sky!  Watch this four minute video and learn what the lame stream media is ignoring.  If the mentioned pillars of financial power are insolvent can the country be far behind!  Ever since Nixon broke away from the 1944 Breton-Woods Treaty in August 1971 the U.S. dollar has been declining in value.  This action signified the replacement of a gold backed currency with a fiat (Monopoly Money) currency.  All fiat currencies have imploded and within a few short weeks our current dollar should collapse. What is happening in European Union is a harbinger of what we can expect to occur here very soon.  The end of the Corporation may be near! 
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Gate Groping is America’s newest obsession!    


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