"It’s a major setback for the Obama Administration and its attempt to show that terror suspects held at Guantanamo can be tried successfully in civilian courts," and went on to call the verdict "very bad news for the government" and "a disaster." Ghailani was found "not guilty on four counts of conspiring with al Qaeda in the US embassy bombings back in 1998, in Tanzania and Kenya. Also he was found not guilty on 224 murder counts." In fact, he was only "convicted on one count of conspiring to destroy US property with explosives." CBS Evening News ~ Editor’s note: Is it any wonder that the Justice Department screwed up on this trial? How do you spell H-o-l-d-e-r? Providing enemy combatants constitutional protections is tantamount to cooking breakfast for the cat burglar as he loads up his booty in the trunk of your car. Holder is a loser and most likely a racist in his dismissing the New Black Panther case.
Revolution in Christie Land! http://tinyurl.com/2uordsy Many strange things are happening in New Jersey since governor's election victory last year and what you will find in this video is just the tip of the iceberg. In the past what Progressives/Liberals wanted New Jersey delivered! Now that Nobama economics have been exposed many New Jerseyites have jumped ship for a saner platform! Before you know it Mafioso’s will be going to church without violin cases.
There Are No Shoe-ins! http://tinyurl.com/25z58f8 Many times it has been said the voting public has short memories! Just two short years ago the Republican Party was written off as an aborted zygote…yet they came back with a vengeance that woke the dead and living dead. Republicans have to remain vigilant of crafty Liberal politicians that could jump up and bite the GOP squarely in the buttocks. They must remain attuned to the deviant behavior of opposition and set their own course for reformation!
Inside Deals and Cronyism! http://tinyurl.com/2dwzrwy Pardon my redundancy but there is a slight difference in the definitions. Former politicians and staff have taken advantage of past relationships while in the seat of power to benefit from current legislation. Everybody is willing to scratch someone’s back for profit and within a few months of the new Congress being sworn in the cronyism will continue unabated!
We Hardly Knew Ye! http://tinyurl.com/26pgoz2 This is an old refrain from John F. Kennedy’s staff members’ years ago but it is apropos to this day in that the GOP doesn’t know anything about Nobama. There is legislation that will forbid any candidate form running in Presidential elections if they do not produce proof of natural born citizen ship. Looks like Nobama may have a challenge!
Getting to Know All About You! http://tinyurl.com/356h4rf This oddicle, although sizable, better explains some of the particularities of Nobama. It is revealing how narcissistic this man is when looking back at his behavior. No wonder he has a difficult time associating with the people that voted for him. Not unlike another narcissist I know, John F. Kerry, who was more concerned how he looked in the rear view mirror than the substance of his character. These men are dangerous because it’s all about them! Print this puppy out for bedtime reading…
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Hi Tedd,
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Blog is looking good as is your info.
I wish I felt as good as your blog looks. Great job, Tedd!