Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Take An Indian to Lunch This Week!

After observing that Obama trails in hypothetical 2012 matchups against Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Jeb Bush, Malcolm reveals with a tinge of excitement: “And, oh, my! Lookee here! Obama has even fallen into a statistical tie with none other than Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor. How embarrassing that is because other polls have shown a majority of Americans believe she is unqualified for the presidency. So it appears many have now decided, on second thought, Obama looks that way, too.” Newsmax ~ Editor’s note:  It is apparent that Nobama is doing a poor job as CEO of the federal corporation but in respects to his ideology many of his former fans are jumping ship.  Minorities and youthful voters are either misinformed or voting for handouts from the public trough.  Concerned, informed or competent voters they are not! 
Don’t Touch That Dial!  I can’t for the life of me understand why taxpayers should have to contribute to the operating budget of any organization that spews opinions that are in opposition to the beliefs of many taxpayers.  Everyone has a right of free speech but why should I have to pay for their right.  They should cough up the money in order to support themselves or turn off the transmitters!
Moving To the Left or Right!  I don’t often write about local political races, unless it is about Barney or Nancy, because there are hundreds of them that don’t resonate with most Americans let alone my readers.  But…this oddicle did in fact resonate with me for two reasons.  First, I grew up in that part of the country, highly Republican when I was a child and rabidly Democrat after I matriculated west in the 1960’s.  Secondly, reading this story was somewhat uplifting when Buerkle talked about her children’s prospects of making a living in Central New York.  This scenario is applicable all over this country and has been for the past five decades since Democrats owned and controlled Congress.  Time it changed! 
By The Company One Keeps!  Watch a few of these short promos by Nobama for his friend Alexi who was running for his old Senate seat while taking stock in Nobama’s self absorbed ego.  Nobama was trying to keep his seat in the Democrat side of the aisle but he was also endorsing a crooked banker who was entangled in Nobama’s shady dealing with Resko, Blagojevich, and other nefarious Democrats that hail from the windy city!  
Lou Dobbs Would Be Proud!  I touch on this topic from time to time because of its ethereal nature.  There is absolute evidence that this story is true but the corporate owned courts, passing themselves off as Oddicle III courts, refuse to hear the discovery, thereby thwarting the truth and the rule of law.  If this case is heard many heads will roll including the surgically altered head of Nancy Pelosi, Biden, Reid and high ranking members of Nobama’s administration because they hoisted this fraud upon the nation.  Oh, by the way, every act Nobama signed into law, every nomination for the courts, ambassadorships, and commissions will be null and void.  It will be as if the past two years did not happen.  Awesome, dude!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, and look for the Barney Frank blimp in the Macy parade! 


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