"Local Republican congressman, Paul Ryan, campaigned for re-election by calling for reductions in the growth of Medicare and Social Security" –and yet he "won with 68% of the vote." As President Obama and Congress "turn their attention...to balancing the budget, even sacred items such as retirement programs will be fair game -- something Ryan tells his constituents regularly." USA Today ~ Editor’s notes: It’s probably a sure thing that both parties will be offering up ideas to reduce spending but the interesting debate will be whose proposals will be on the table. Democrats want to reduce the military and Republicans want to reduce social spending on wasteful programs that ensure liberal victories. Maybe it’s about time to pull back on our world policing duties and bring the Yanks home to protect our southern borders…nah that would reduce the flow of illegal’s that tend to vote Democrat.
Questions but No Answers! http://tinyurl.com/23ppqrn After reading eight books about 9/11 and reviewing upwards of 250 websites that expose the duplicity of the corporate federal government I find it next to impossible for anyone to believe the official propaganda. I was unfortunate to have learned that there were no North Vietnamese gunboats in the Tonkin Gulf only weeks prior to shipping out for Swift Boat duty in Vietnam. The time I was there I spent walking on egg shells knowing the war was fabricated. At the time I didn’t know why but I knew there was something amiss. This episode of American history is just another chapter in big brothers joke book to control people. If you doubt me please browse around the other videos found in this link such as this one! http://tinyurl.com/2arvleq
Wrongful Indignation! http://tinyurl.com/24n2tu9 Every time I read about Maxine I flashback to Clinton’s impeachment proceedings when David Shippers, the House Judiciary Committee counsel, was admonished by the lady from Watts for saying all of the dead veterans who fought to protect and defend the Constitution would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what Clinton had done to offend our founding document. I think if they knew about this woman’s exploits in Congress they would be doing a jig, albeit in cramped spaces, knowing she will be facing an ethics trial.
News Not Fit for Our Media! http://tinyurl.com/yd8gnqp This news item was briefly mentioned last Wednesday on Fox Special Report. The next day I looked high and low for some amplifying data so I could post it last Friday. I was both surprised and dumbfounded that there was no report to be found anywhere. I went to FoxNews.com and replayed Wednesday’s program but this and only this factoid was deleted from the video. Why? Could it be that this bad news was released on one of the slowest news days of the year, prior to a long weekend holiday, so few news junkies would notice! This means, if you are unaware, that the dollar will decrease in value as other countries dumb their reserves thereby flooding our economy with cheaper dollars. It won't happen overnight but it but it is happening! Enjoy your $15.00 Big Mac!
Ya Gotta Give a Little! http://tinyurl.com/23j9774 Trying to compromise on whose money they spend seems like an impossible task. If our economy was based in real money, and not fiat currency that is printed into existence with out any precious metals behind it, Congress would really have to keep spending within the budget. If an emergency came up some other spending would have to be sacrificed. Can Americans learn that money doesn’t grow on trees, yes it’s made from wood pulp but that is just a coincidence!
We Need a Plan A! http://tinyurl.com/242ll5s Of all the oddicles that have been written exposing the TSA tragedy and the nefarious people pushing for government domination over our lives this is the best. Ms. Eakman clearly lays out a simple plan that will stop the humiliation and denigration of the American people! You may disagree because it is easier to go along to get along but may your junk fall off in the process!
If you plan to stock up, in case the dollar goes south, don’t forget toilet paper and candles!
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