Friday, December 3, 2010

Now You See It...Now You Don't!

Fears Mount of White House Cave on Top Priority, throughout the day, Democrats on the Hill became increasingly concerned that the party's negotiators, at the behest of the White House, were inching closer to caving to GOP demands that tax cuts for the wealthy be extended for several years." Democrats "complain privately that the White House is capitulating to Republicans without extracting anything substantial in return." The Huffington Post ~ Editor’s note: This may be the first time in almost two years the Administration is following the will of the people.  Well they aren’t really following…it is more like an act of weakness.  Nobama will survive this little setback just as Slick Willie did because of the lame stream media.  Recently, a White House insider leaked to the press that the Americans didn’t elect Nobama, the media did!
A Sleight of Hand!  I mentioned this possibility of governance by executive order a few weeks ago shortly after the election.  Now this oddicle begins to explain how Nobama will skirt Congress in order for the Muslim-in-Chief to carry out his socialist agenda.  The statistics in this piece are quite amazing but the one about prosecutions against Union corruption is an eye opener!
We Don’t Need No Stinkin Energy!  When I first read this oddicle I was amazed at what government wants to do but I decided to check out more of the facts.  Secretary of Energy Salazar made a statement early today saying the moratorium was only for the Eastern seaboard.  Well that is a patent lie and the fact of the matter is there is a seven year moratorium for all drilling in all of our coastal waters.  As the oddicle states foreign interests are moving just outside our waters and drilling in international waters.  Not only will they tap our reserves but they could have a BP type blow out and pollute our waters and our wild life.  Is there any wonder that Nobama is moving to cripple our industrial base so we will become a European style social state?  Oh well, I like espresso!    
Political Ploys and Posturing!  There is no way Republicans will vote to tax the investment money out of existence and there is no way the liberals will tolerate the rich keeping their money.  I don’t think this is covered in either the Constitution or the Bible but that won’t stop this process anytime soon.  Nobama will have to capitulate or be shown for what he is.  He doesn’t like the spotlight on his short comings! Saturday is the showdown!
You Don’t Own Crap!  First I must apologize for the graphic language that the speaker uses to make his point.  When you see who it is you will understand what I mean.  I tell people about this phenomena all the time when I speak of the corporate government.  See Title 28 section 3002 12b definitions if you need to expunge all doubt.  Anyway I’m including this video as a weekend tense releasing therapy! 
The Source of Our Debt Problem!  Let me get this straight…the commission wants to lower Social Security and Military pensions and reports don’t mention if these reductions are for current retirees or future retirees.  Will the commission also recommend forgiving retirees their rent or mortgage payment if these reductions make retirees decide between a roof over their heads or food in their bellies?  The Politicians are the ones that promised the people these benefits but they got lost along the way fighting nation building wars, enabling incompetence, sloth and degradation of two generations of Americans.  Maybe the federal budget reductions should include politicians’ pay and staff expense.   

Friday’s Comics:

Bob Gorrell Walt Handelsman Gary Markstein Steve Sack Michael Ramirez Scott Stantis Gary Varvel Nick Anderson Lisa Benson 

Lay back and put your feet up!


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