Monday, December 13, 2010

In Search of Higher Standards!

"Nine new Republican members of the House Appropriations Committee are united in espousing the new GOP appropriations mantra: make deep cuts to spending, and make them quickly." Speaker-designate Boehner "has vowed weekly votes on spending cuts starting in January, and the Appropriations committee will be charged with drafting rescission bills to make that happen." The new committee members "interviewed by The Hill on Friday identified unspent stimulus money and the Obama healthcare reform bills as high on their list of targets for cuts. They said a more careful approach has to be taken with defense spending." The Hill ~ Editor’s note:  Combine this budget hawking attitude with Congressman Issa’s pledge to encourage his subcommittees to conduct two investigations a week for the first forty weeks in an attempt to stem fraud waste and abuse might just be what is called for to trim the budget and right the ship of state.  Maybe Nobama could help out be abandoning the helm!  
Let Adults Run the Government!  Follow this outline of a possible tack to the right as conservatives drag Nobama readily to the center right.  Nobama seems to have some understanding of how to get reelected, and after Friday’s joint White House briefing with Bill Clinton it is obvious that he is getting some remedial education on the fine points of Presidential rule in a divided government.  Even more perplexing is the fact that Nobama gave Clinton the podium, and well into Clinton's monologue Nobama excused himself, he was late for an appointment with the FLOTUS, and left Clinton to carry on with the briefing.  One thing is for sure Clinton, cannot run against Nobama in 2012!  I’m talking about the former President.  There is no philter for this unexpected change of ideology but it seems mighty pragmatic to this observer!
Missing Identity!  Only one person in this country thinks he hasn’t an obligation to prove his true identity.  Can you imagine what would happen if we refused to show our ID upon request or demand from a person of authority!  I’m actually inferring that Nobama’s handlers are behind this ruse.  When you enter the website, be sure to open the link and listen to General Thomas McInerny give his impression of the proceedings against LTC Lakin.  This kangaroo court is an embarrassment to the entire country and the impostor-in-chief should be exposed. 
All Aboard!  This oddicle explores the dark area surrounding the Nobama stimulus package that was touted two years ago as the “end all” for what ailed the country.  According to Stephen Hayes the liberal “we know better” crowd in Washington wanted to take people out of their cars even if it meant breaking the bank.  One little tidbit that struck me as odd is how the administration, when ungrateful states rejected the funds, threatened to spend the money in other states that were more receptive.  It kind of exposes the entire stimulus plan as a spending plan without a well thought out outcome!
Return to Gold Standard!  This is the beginning of the gold standard awareness message that is so needed in this country.  There are few if any living in this country who participated in the previous gold standard currency that ended with HJR 192 in June 1933.  It is also safe to say many Americans don’t know the significance of being on gold backed currency.  It is not a complex issue but the bankers have taken the subject off the radar in an attempt to dupe the people.  I would think that most of my readers discern the significance but I am wrong the long road starts here!  One of the major benefits of a gold standard is that Congress could not spend money they don’t have by merely printing more.  What a sterling idea! 
Let’s Pump, Pump, Pump It Up!  If you blood pressure isn’t elevated enough then read this oddicle and see what the elite have in mind for our veterans regardless of the cost or the outcome.  Pressuring the Utes of American to partake in an education program that is not well thought out is nothing more than sending them back to our public schools.  These Utes are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and are ill prepared to take on education expenses until they get their heads on right.  Never read the Washington Post but then with this little scheme it doesn’t much matter to the Post if anyone reads their tripe. 

Time to take muster and see who steps forward!


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