Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For!

In an oddicle titled, "Earmarkers Feast On Pork One Last Time Before Diet," reports, "The spending barons on Capitol Hill, long used to muscling past opponents of bills larded with pet projects, are seeking one last victory before tea party-backed GOP insurgents storm Congress intent on ending the good old days of pork-barrel politics." Associated Press ~ Editor’s Note:  A bill with nearly 2000 pages, unread, without debate and full of pork is just another example of how little competence is needed to become a legislator in Washington.  Hire a staff of ass kissers and let them give you directions on what to do and pretty soon all of the nation’s problems will go away!  That’s what I’m talking about!
Enough to Make Me Gag!  Ear marks are both a blessing and a curse for politicians!  The blessing is that money can be directed at specific projects the help the citizens of the state.  The curse thingy has to do with the presumed hypocrisy of Congressmen refusing funds with one hand but begging for them with other.  A basic question is why do Americans have to submit taxes to the federal government if it would be more efficient to keep the money home thus eliminating the farce?  Maybe the problem is that all taxes are used to pay the interest on the national debt and only Washington can create money ala the Fed and mete it out to the states!
Signing Your Own Death Warrant!  As much as I like Dr. Paul, I hold my breathe every time he pontificates on reining in the Fed.  The central bankers are the true masters of the global economy and do not wish to have their trade secrets, aka-dirty laundry, exposed for the entire world to see.  Important men have attempted to expose the cabal but most of them paid the ultimate price.  Lincoln, Garfield, McFadden and the Kennedy’s come to mind.  He is taking a huge risk pursuing this gang of thugs and the closer he gets to the truth the higher the chance of being at the wrong place at the wrong time!  
Truth or Rumor!  This oddicle is the third time in the past month that the plot herein has crossed my desk.  Is it true or just conspiracy blah, blah?  There have been stories about the cozy relationship between the Bushes and the Clinton's.  Their political affiliations have nothing to do with their love of money and power.  With the pending fall of the American banking system and currency the likelihood of a Ponzi scheme crash is highly possible.  Look what happened to Bernard Madoff when the credit crunch surfaced in 2008.  I’ll keep a keen eye out for more information pertaining to these corrupt families! 
Rigging the Outcome!   Like the oddicle says, if you can’t win on the merits of the proposal keep changing the rules so that there can be only one outcome…the desired one!  In addition how many of you have followed this story in the lame stream press?  Better said, how many of you have any indication that this pageant is being played out?  One of the other points that this story brings forth is the attempt by Nobama to unionize the TSA even after there was a federal law enacted in 2003 which forbade such organization.  Wouldn’t it be terrible if TSA decided to strike and some untrained thug got grope us?  Most of these would probably come from sex offender training classes!
Jamming the Court System!  This oddicle describes the problem Nobama is having with successful legislation!  Most if not all of his agenda for the past two years is under attack in the courts because it was ill conceived or overreaching.  In case you are unaware of the original 13th Amendment, yes there were two, it dealt with Titles of Nobility, and mandated that attorneys could not hold public office.  How wise was that?  With the cost of litigating Nobama’s wish list it is clear that those making out like bandits are the bandits themselves, attorneys! 

Could it be the Attorneys are managing the federal bankruptcy!


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