"The deficit is the symptom, spending is the disease. There are a number of elements about this plan that I like. But...it still, unfortunately, represents a roughly $2 trillion tax increase on the American people, and does not fundamentally address the key driver of our national fiscal crisis...health care." Rep. Jeb Hensarling – Fox News ~ Editor’s note: What never ceases to amaze me is that the basic economic principle of taxation’s effects on spending is found in Economics 101 textbook. I think Liberals must have been taking Liberal Arts electives instead of studying Samuelson!
Balanced Budget by Hook or by Crook! http://tinyurl.com/267or9w If Congress and Executive Branch policy wonks can’t decide on how to balance the budget, then as the oddicle states the bond markets will make the hard decisions for them. If the bond markets reject new debt there will be a catastrophic decline in the budget, like down to zero! This is why so many guru’s are suggesting we store water and food for up to six months just in case the world turns ugly as hunger becomes a reality in America!
Miscarriage of Justice! http://tinyurl.com/24sbpa3 Lakin is being rolled in order for the corporate government to keep the illegitimacy of the Nobama administration under wraps. It seems highly suspect that a man fighting for his honor wouldn’t be allowed to mount a defense by admitting evidence or defense witnesses. Col. Lind is pulling out all of the stops to ensure Lakin is found guilty through her hyaline conduct. It would have been better if Lakin had been tried in absentia or just assassinated immediately following his alleged transgression. It looks like the end of the corporation when they are forced to be blatantly corrupt!
Some New Old News! http://tinyurl.com/28x5hpq The media made every effort to elect this man who had no history, resume, management talent or connection with the people. Nobama was selected many years before 2008 to be president, and come hell or high water nothing was going to upset the master plan. If any presidential candidate in the past 50 years averred socialism the way Nobama stumped for the progressive viewpoint he wouldn’t have gotten past the Iowa caucus. This impostor with the help of the press wiped out Hillary and company and his prospects of being reelected has Hillary crying uncle and retiring from elected office. Don’t get your panties in a bunch because the electronic voting machines have already been programmed for four more years of the Muslim-in-Chief!
We are in the On Deck Circle! http://tinyurl.com/2dpw9jf This video was sent to me by one of my readers and it hits on two of my favorite peeves. First, a banking debacle is building to cause a possible collapse of our currency and way of life. As European Common Market goes, so goes our dollar. Add to this mess the arrangement I mentioned last week about China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Brazil agreeing to not consider the US dollar the international currency of exchange and we are fast approaching doomsday. Second, point of the video pertains to the sheeple in this country that are not fighting the TSA so as not to be inconvenienced! I for one will not fly commercial air until the TSA is rolled back. This lethal, well trained first line of defense is a joke! More so is the premise that we should fear flying while Nobama and Napolitano have no intentions of closing our southern border!
Reinventing the Tenth! http://tinyurl.com/26v95zc I just love this bill that will protect our 10th Amendment rights. Could someone remind me when the original 10th Amendment was repealed? This is just one more incident that proves the Constitution has been dumped by the ruling class as a hindrance to their plan for One World governance! This bill is a sterling idea since everyone ignores the original 10th but it will have an uphill battle for passage as long as politicians have anything to say about it. That’s pols from both sides of the aisle!
Too little too late!
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