Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "abandoned" plans to pass "a huge catchall spending measure combining nearly $1.3 trillion worth of unfinished budget work, including $158 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Facing a midnight Saturday deadline when a stopgap funding measure expires," Reid instead said he would work with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell "to produce a bill to keep the federal government running into early next year." Associated Press ~ Editor’s note: Most of you may realize how important this defeat of the omnibus spending bill is. Omnibus bills are a reflection of poor legislative management and lack of bipartisan problem solving. Debate, delays and greed backs up smaller legislation mandating a giant bill to be sent to the floor for a vote. Usually, they are fraught with wasteful spending and pork. In this case the Democrats wanted to fund the government their way until next October, the fiscal year end. In the bill were a few billion to implement Nobamacare. Now that next year’s budget will be controlled by Republicans, funding of the new law might suffer a tad. If the Democrats had purposed a budget last June and passed a budget in September they would have controlled the 2011 fiscal budget…they were afraid to do so prior to the midterm elections. What were they planning?
They Who Hesitate...Lose! Thank God the left were led by incompetent managers. They dallied for most of the year on Nobamacare that may end up being unconstitutional, and then got bogged down in the tax cut quagmire that exposed them for what they are! Talk about providing shovels for those hell bent on digging a hole the Republicans stood by and kept their silence while winning back the house and effective control of the Senate. Now the concern of many is the conservative’s propensity to self destruct while drunk with power. We will soon see!
The Weather Outside is Frightful! This oddicle struck my funny bone. The global warming crowd holds a meeting in Cancun, Mexico and experienced 54% temperatures. I would imagine there was an outbreak of horripulated skin and protruding nipples among the delegates. Hell, where’s your noodie-hoodie when you need one while frolicking on the sandy beaches of the Yucatan.
Gunfight at the OK Corral! There was promised a change and hope two years ago but something went awry! With the new congress taking over in January there may be a drastic change evolving from the Capitol. Let’s hope that politicians can bring themselves to the table and do what is right for the people. I’m not counting on it but what choice do we have?
Make a Thorough Act of Contrition! I think that this officer has been harmed by the rulings by the Courts Martial judge that stripped Lakin of his defense because it would embarrass the President. It was determined that the President’s citizenship status was not germane to the case. Excuse me, the main reason Lakin refused to follow orders was because he felt the President needed to prove his natural born citizenship to ensure he was following lawful orders. Why couldn’t the President show his long form birth certificate? Maybe he didn’t have one. If this travesty of justice isn’t heard by an appellate court then there is little to say about the authenticity of justice in this country!
Liberal Zealots! This seems to be a story with a happy ending. Kay Bailey Hutchison for the most part is on the periphery of the Senate with very accomplishments on her resume. However, this move to block bureaucratic interference of the internet may be her crowning glory. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowki was defying a judge’s order to not tinker with the internet. He, a committed liberal thought better and was about to pass new regulations just before Christmas thinking no one was watching. Thank God Hutchison was on her toes. This won’t be the last time some bonehead will attempt to control the one industry that has thrived like no other without government dickering. The chairman must think that’s un-American!
Taming the beast! Tedd |
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