Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Little Nip Here and a Little Tuck There!

"Funding for the new healthcare reform law is noticeably absent from a bill to keep the government running through March 4, after Republicans objected to an earlier proposal because they said it funded reform." The continuing resolution or CR "provides a small increase of $1.16 billion over fiscal 2010 levels, but does not fund reform law measures included in an earlier, comprehensive spending proposal." The Hill ~ Editor’s note:  This is the good news that was expected since the omnibus spending bill was pulled by Dirty Harry.  Formation of a budget lays squarely on the backs of the Republicans and their aim is to choke off funding to the implementation of Nobamacare!  If you need a directional aid come January just listen for the howling and it should lead you to the District! 
An Obvious Solution!  In light of the federal government overreach on so many civil liberties it is wonderment to me that this tack isn’t taken more seriously.  If the state doesn’t like a federal mandate just ignore it and proceed on the current course.  This Tenth Amendment action is picking up speed but will take years to attain momentum.  The feds could always affect state elections so that only their people are elected and no one would be the wiser.  The next step after the 10th would be restoring the Republic so that all laws passed in the District apply only to those who live in the district.  Heresy! 
Stealth and Deceit!    The FCC Comish had a vote to enact internet neutrality but something doesn’t add up.  A while back a court told the FCC the internet did not need government interference.  Issue is dead!  Not so, says the Comish as he secretly designed a new set of regs but refused to release them because the internet would unravel his nefarious plan.  Genachowski, the Comish, claims his rules will protect internet providers but will control development of new start up businesses. All are leery of his intent and worry that once the camel has his nose under the tent the internet growth and innovation will die!  Now the courts will have to rule once again, and a Republican Congress will have to take time to dismantle the new regs because the FCC doesn’t have the authority to do what they just did which was a naked power grab.  We’re from the government and we are here to help you!!!
Common Sense No More…Wait!  This oddicle and video are human interest stories with a twist.  The video tells the story but why did this good deed go punished.  Could it be our fine uniformed friends are from the bottom of the barrel, they are autotrons with no human compassion or are they revenue officers trained to create a revenue stream from any source possible to keep the corporate government from sinking below the ice of insolvency.  Just in time for the season of giving…tickets!  Notice how the lame stream media people never questioned why the uniform persisted in ticketing the tow Samaritans!
Enjoy Your Last Christmas!  Let me add that it will be the last one as we have come to know the feast day.  The proverbial dominoes are ready to cascade, and when they do jobs, pensions, education and peace in our towns will be a thing of the past.  If our corporate governments do go down then the salvation would have to be local government by the people instead of by financial organizations.  If you don’t understand my last sentence, please go to your local library and ask for the Consolidated Annual Financial Report (CAFR).  Every state, county and municipality has one, and in the report you will see that your local government is sitting on $billions they will use to fund pensions etc.  Word of caution…don’t bring this topic up in your local government meeting unless you are fully versed in what it means!  If you do go in half-cocked you will soon be persona non grata! 
Oops…the Cats Out of the Bag!  If you watch the video you can decide for yourself if the words are dubbed or it they are factual.  You all know that I am a skeptic of this man’s ability to tell the people the truth, and I constantly look for proof that he is committing treason.  I sure hope LTC Lakin doesn’t come across this video while he’s serving time in Leavenworth!  If the video is accurate then what has transpired is tragic!  

There is little chance of turning back the clock once government becomes entrenched!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Our Future Has Been Preordained!

Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property (that's you and your children) in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge back for our fiat paper currency.  Every American will be forced to register or suffer being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattels (property) and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading (Birth Certificate) to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, secured by their pledges.  Col. E.M. House ~ Editor’s note:  He told this to President Woodrow Wilson regarding the plan to establish the Federal Reserve in 1913.  Everything that House predicted has come true including the Social Security Number.  If Nobamacare is implemented then every pledged soul will either obey or die! And to think every American has a birth certificate except Nobama!
Political Correctness Is a Disease!  Freedom of speech is the right to speak your mind…political correctness is a damper on the right to complete your thoughts.  Polite speech is the art of knowing your audience or listeners.  Off color asides are not appropriate in mixed crowds that would prove embarrassing for members of the group.  Common sense is called for in all situations but it should not in anyway prevent someone from presenting their message in an appropriate setting.  This video of newly elected Congressman West is a grand example of telling like it is.   
So That’s It!   Dirty Harry had bigger fish to fry so he drops the omnibus bill relinquishing control of the budget for the next nine months to the Republican controlled Senate in order to appease campaign donors.  There’s nothing wrong with setting your priorities and if that floats his boat then by all means capitulate.  After all now army barracks and berthing spaces on ships will be more colorful decorated places.  Imagine the chintz curtains around each porthole! 
Send Us to the Correct Committee!  Underlying in this story is the complicity of both parties to obstruct the Constitution.  In the Lakin court martial the judge denied a defense that would have exposed the truth now Issa is telling us his job is not to find the truth.  If his committee is not responsible for enforcing the antiquated piece of trash then whose is it?
So Much Has Been Buried!   Jessie was always my favorite politician…not because he did anything important rather he was the accidental governor due to unintended consequences.  He was a celebrity, not unlike Arnold who could not effect good policy or win the hearts of entrenched politicians in legislatures.  This piece is worth watching because he exposes the attempts by government operatives to white wash the truth about the faux attack on the Pentagon by box cutting Arabs.  Unless you are easily led by the nose the improbability of this government propaganda is evident!  
Big Brother Never Sleeps!  So what’s the big deal?  Government officials read all of Orwell’s books so we shouldn’t be surprised that these clowns are watching our every move.  It’s hard for many Americans to believe that our government would do anything to harm the good people of this country but then again these naïve types are totally unaware of the international bankers who really run the country and the pledged citizens!

Conspiracy theories are steeped in truth and created by nefarious special interest groups!


Friday, December 17, 2010

A Near Death Experience!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "abandoned" plans to pass "a huge catchall spending measure combining nearly $1.3 trillion worth of unfinished budget work, including $158 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Facing a midnight Saturday deadline when a stopgap funding measure expires," Reid instead said he would work with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell "to produce a bill to keep the federal government running into early next year." Associated Press ~ Editor’s note:  Most of you may realize how important this defeat of the omnibus spending bill is.  Omnibus bills are a reflection of poor legislative management and lack of bipartisan problem solving.  Debate, delays and greed backs up smaller legislation mandating a giant bill to be sent to the floor for a vote.  Usually, they are fraught with wasteful spending and pork.  In this case the Democrats wanted to fund the government their way until next October, the fiscal year end.  In the bill were a few billion to implement Nobamacare.  Now that next year’s budget will be controlled by Republicans, funding of the new law might suffer a tad.  If the Democrats had purposed a budget last June and passed a budget in September they would have controlled the 2011 fiscal budget…they were afraid to do so prior to the midterm elections.  What were they planning?
They Who Hesitate...Lose!    Thank God the left were led by incompetent managers.  They dallied for most of the year on Nobamacare that may end up being unconstitutional, and then got bogged down in the tax cut quagmire that exposed them for what they are!  Talk about providing shovels for those hell bent on digging a hole the Republicans stood by and kept their silence while winning back the house and effective control of the Senate.  Now the concern of many is the conservative’s propensity to self destruct while drunk with power.  We will soon see!    
The Weather Outside is Frightful!  This oddicle struck my funny bone. The global warming crowd holds a meeting in Cancun, Mexico and experienced 54% temperatures.  I would imagine there was an outbreak of horripulated skin and protruding nipples among the delegates.  Hell, where’s your noodie-hoodie when you need one while frolicking on the sandy beaches of the Yucatan.
Gunfight at the OK Corral!  There was promised a change and hope two years ago but something went awry!  With the new congress taking over in January there may be a drastic change evolving from the Capitol.  Let’s hope that politicians can bring themselves to the table and do what is right for the people.  I’m not counting on it but what choice do we have?
Make a Thorough Act of Contrition!  I think that this officer has been harmed by the rulings by the Courts Martial judge that stripped Lakin of his defense because it would embarrass the President.  It was determined that the President’s citizenship status was not germane to the case.  Excuse me, the main reason Lakin refused to follow orders was because he felt the President needed to prove his natural born citizenship to ensure he was following lawful orders. Why couldn’t the President show his long form birth certificate?  Maybe he didn’t have one.  If this travesty of justice isn’t heard by an appellate court then there is little to say about the authenticity of justice in this country!
Liberal Zealots!  This seems to be a story with a happy ending.  Kay Bailey Hutchison for the most part is on the periphery of the Senate with very accomplishments on her resume.  However, this move to block bureaucratic interference of the internet may be her crowning glory.  FCC Chairman Julius Genachowki was defying a judge’s order to not tinker with the internet.  He, a committed liberal thought better and was about to pass new regulations just before Christmas thinking no one was watching.  Thank God Hutchison was on her toes.  This won’t be the last time some bonehead will attempt to control the one industry that has thrived like no other without government dickering.  The chairman must think that’s un-American!


Bruce Beattie 

Clay Bennett

Marshall Ramsey
Dana Summers

Taming the beast!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For!

In an oddicle titled, "Earmarkers Feast On Pork One Last Time Before Diet," reports, "The spending barons on Capitol Hill, long used to muscling past opponents of bills larded with pet projects, are seeking one last victory before tea party-backed GOP insurgents storm Congress intent on ending the good old days of pork-barrel politics." Associated Press ~ Editor’s Note:  A bill with nearly 2000 pages, unread, without debate and full of pork is just another example of how little competence is needed to become a legislator in Washington.  Hire a staff of ass kissers and let them give you directions on what to do and pretty soon all of the nation’s problems will go away!  That’s what I’m talking about!
Enough to Make Me Gag!  Ear marks are both a blessing and a curse for politicians!  The blessing is that money can be directed at specific projects the help the citizens of the state.  The curse thingy has to do with the presumed hypocrisy of Congressmen refusing funds with one hand but begging for them with other.  A basic question is why do Americans have to submit taxes to the federal government if it would be more efficient to keep the money home thus eliminating the farce?  Maybe the problem is that all taxes are used to pay the interest on the national debt and only Washington can create money ala the Fed and mete it out to the states!
Signing Your Own Death Warrant!  As much as I like Dr. Paul, I hold my breathe every time he pontificates on reining in the Fed.  The central bankers are the true masters of the global economy and do not wish to have their trade secrets, aka-dirty laundry, exposed for the entire world to see.  Important men have attempted to expose the cabal but most of them paid the ultimate price.  Lincoln, Garfield, McFadden and the Kennedy’s come to mind.  He is taking a huge risk pursuing this gang of thugs and the closer he gets to the truth the higher the chance of being at the wrong place at the wrong time!  
Truth or Rumor!  This oddicle is the third time in the past month that the plot herein has crossed my desk.  Is it true or just conspiracy blah, blah?  There have been stories about the cozy relationship between the Bushes and the Clinton's.  Their political affiliations have nothing to do with their love of money and power.  With the pending fall of the American banking system and currency the likelihood of a Ponzi scheme crash is highly possible.  Look what happened to Bernard Madoff when the credit crunch surfaced in 2008.  I’ll keep a keen eye out for more information pertaining to these corrupt families! 
Rigging the Outcome!   Like the oddicle says, if you can’t win on the merits of the proposal keep changing the rules so that there can be only one outcome…the desired one!  In addition how many of you have followed this story in the lame stream press?  Better said, how many of you have any indication that this pageant is being played out?  One of the other points that this story brings forth is the attempt by Nobama to unionize the TSA even after there was a federal law enacted in 2003 which forbade such organization.  Wouldn’t it be terrible if TSA decided to strike and some untrained thug got grope us?  Most of these would probably come from sex offender training classes!
Jamming the Court System!  This oddicle describes the problem Nobama is having with successful legislation!  Most if not all of his agenda for the past two years is under attack in the courts because it was ill conceived or overreaching.  In case you are unaware of the original 13th Amendment, yes there were two, it dealt with Titles of Nobility, and mandated that attorneys could not hold public office.  How wise was that?  With the cost of litigating Nobama’s wish list it is clear that those making out like bandits are the bandits themselves, attorneys! 

Could it be the Attorneys are managing the federal bankruptcy!


Monday, December 13, 2010

In Search of Higher Standards!

"Nine new Republican members of the House Appropriations Committee are united in espousing the new GOP appropriations mantra: make deep cuts to spending, and make them quickly." Speaker-designate Boehner "has vowed weekly votes on spending cuts starting in January, and the Appropriations committee will be charged with drafting rescission bills to make that happen." The new committee members "interviewed by The Hill on Friday identified unspent stimulus money and the Obama healthcare reform bills as high on their list of targets for cuts. They said a more careful approach has to be taken with defense spending." The Hill ~ Editor’s note:  Combine this budget hawking attitude with Congressman Issa’s pledge to encourage his subcommittees to conduct two investigations a week for the first forty weeks in an attempt to stem fraud waste and abuse might just be what is called for to trim the budget and right the ship of state.  Maybe Nobama could help out be abandoning the helm!  
Let Adults Run the Government!  Follow this outline of a possible tack to the right as conservatives drag Nobama readily to the center right.  Nobama seems to have some understanding of how to get reelected, and after Friday’s joint White House briefing with Bill Clinton it is obvious that he is getting some remedial education on the fine points of Presidential rule in a divided government.  Even more perplexing is the fact that Nobama gave Clinton the podium, and well into Clinton's monologue Nobama excused himself, he was late for an appointment with the FLOTUS, and left Clinton to carry on with the briefing.  One thing is for sure Clinton, cannot run against Nobama in 2012!  I’m talking about the former President.  There is no philter for this unexpected change of ideology but it seems mighty pragmatic to this observer!
Missing Identity!  Only one person in this country thinks he hasn’t an obligation to prove his true identity.  Can you imagine what would happen if we refused to show our ID upon request or demand from a person of authority!  I’m actually inferring that Nobama’s handlers are behind this ruse.  When you enter the website, be sure to open the link and listen to General Thomas McInerny give his impression of the proceedings against LTC Lakin.  This kangaroo court is an embarrassment to the entire country and the impostor-in-chief should be exposed. 
All Aboard!  This oddicle explores the dark area surrounding the Nobama stimulus package that was touted two years ago as the “end all” for what ailed the country.  According to Stephen Hayes the liberal “we know better” crowd in Washington wanted to take people out of their cars even if it meant breaking the bank.  One little tidbit that struck me as odd is how the administration, when ungrateful states rejected the funds, threatened to spend the money in other states that were more receptive.  It kind of exposes the entire stimulus plan as a spending plan without a well thought out outcome!
Return to Gold Standard!  This is the beginning of the gold standard awareness message that is so needed in this country.  There are few if any living in this country who participated in the previous gold standard currency that ended with HJR 192 in June 1933.  It is also safe to say many Americans don’t know the significance of being on gold backed currency.  It is not a complex issue but the bankers have taken the subject off the radar in an attempt to dupe the people.  I would think that most of my readers discern the significance but I am wrong the long road starts here!  One of the major benefits of a gold standard is that Congress could not spend money they don’t have by merely printing more.  What a sterling idea! 
Let’s Pump, Pump, Pump It Up!  If you blood pressure isn’t elevated enough then read this oddicle and see what the elite have in mind for our veterans regardless of the cost or the outcome.  Pressuring the Utes of American to partake in an education program that is not well thought out is nothing more than sending them back to our public schools.  These Utes are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and are ill prepared to take on education expenses until they get their heads on right.  Never read the Washington Post but then with this little scheme it doesn’t much matter to the Post if anyone reads their tripe. 

Time to take muster and see who steps forward!


Friday, December 10, 2010

In Need of a New Year, Already!

In a nonbinding caucus vote, Democrats in the House rejected the plan. However, Democratic leaders in both houses said the plan will probably pass in the end -- though House leaders hope to at least alter it. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday, "We will continue discussions with the President and our Democratic and Republican colleagues in the days ahead to improve the proposal before it comes to the House floor for a vote." At least seven House Democrats have already committed to support the plan.  The Hill ~ Editor’s note:  This is a classic playground stunt of taking your ball and going home if you can’t have your way in a dispute.  While the Democrats decide what they will do to save some face, Rome continues to burn unabated…the “Doc Fix” that maintains doctor fees in the Medicare program was approved, thereby adding $19 billion to the debt.  China just heard a loud ka-ching resonate across the land as they purchased large tracts of the United States as collateral!
Blind Ideology!  This oddicle hits one out of the ballpark…as Democrats are so blinded by their hatred for the rich and deep desire to redistribute income they fail to see the naked prize that will befall them if they side up with the Nobama and plunge the country deeper into debt.  This is the ultimate way to redistribute wealth as taxes will be forced to increase and the rich will pay more.  I guess this predicament is not unlike someone buying a dude three ice cream cones, and he is so concerned about holding them he loses focus of the melting problem!  
Foreclosure Redux!  This oddicle caught my eye because it forecasts a repeat of one of the worst political decisions bestowed on this country.  A chicken in every pot and a home for every family, whether or not it was affordable was not to be questioned.  All sanity regarding risks and morality was disregarded and all those who questioned the practice were summarily dismissed as being without compassion.  After three years of hell the government is planning to bet on a dead horse!  Why is government allowed to play in our sandbox?
A Most Diabolical Plan!  If America isn’t under attack then why is all this shooting going on?  The Southern Poverty Law Center is a front for communistic activities that are aimed at the core of religion and morality.  This oddicle helps us to understand their part in the grand conspiracy to destroy the basis for a Republican form of government.  Remember Rome fell because of overspending, moral decay and civil distractions! It’s strange that the media doesn't remind Americans of these historical facts!
Russian Roulette Democrat Style!  An old saying goes something like when your opponent is digging a hole don’t take away his shovel, close enough for government work.  In this case the Democrats have dug so deep that their isn’t a ladder that will reach the top.  If they capitulate and vote for the tax bill they will be marginalized as paper tigers.  If they stand firm and let the compromise die they will be the cause of the tax increase and Nobama will be marginalized.  Win, win the way I see's a good thing they don't!
Unforced Entry!  This oddicle is short and sweet and so will be my aside.  Once a legislator loses an election he/she doesn’t have the right to shape policy or enact law.  Abolish the lame duck session of Congress!  Some of the losers may cast votes that will harm the economy or play the role of spoiler.  We must protect the process!


  Bruce Beattie 
Clay Bennett
Lisa Benson
Chip Bok
Walt Handelsman
Gary Markstein
Michael Ramirez
Scott Stantis
Mike Thompson
Gary Varvel 

I wish I had some bridges to sell!



Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Future Is Taking Shape!

The President is lacking some fight. Why won't he take the fight at the Republicans? He sort of received the message and he took the fight -- but he took it to Democrats who have been grouchy about this. "Privately, the war of words between" Obama's "aides and those on Capitol Hill was...bitter, with one Democratic aide saying of the White House, 'when they want to fight, they know how to fight. When they want to cave, they know how to blame others." Fox News ~ Editor’s note:  The enemy of your enemy is your friend or so the saying goes…in this matter the extreme left is making an argument that liberals should not be allowed to govern.  The sad thing about this scenario is that the government is absorbing another $900 billion in debt, and if Nobamacare is not repealed the entire dispute will be proven moot when the federal government collapses under its debt load!
Believe It or Not!  This type of story has been percolating for years but not until the pending banking and currency crisis has it established legs that prevent this story from going away.  Much to the government’s dismay evidence, internet rumor mongering and now Jessie are blowing the cover on, what may be, a conspiratorial government needing to protect its financial interest at the expense of the common man.  Politicians and  bureaucrats in high positions are elitists responsible for the deception!  Watch all four videos to get a feel for what is in store for us if the monetary system collapses and the country is plunged into a vacuum.
Tap Dancing on Capitol Hill!  Under the mantel of growing government and not the economy the liberals have performed one of the most titillating passion plays in a decade!  I, to some extent, hate the thought of borrowing more money for tax breaks for the elitist but situated in the top 1% income group are hard working entrepreneurs and industrialists that create jobs for the working man.  Sometimes you just accept the fact that swallowing the seeds when eating fruit is part of life!  I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out the identity of the dissenters…  
Throw the Dog a Bone!  The statistic presented regarding Judges being impeached from the federal bench is mind blowing!  I think more and more, as the financial implosion progresses, people will begin to see how corrupt the judiciary is, and how well they deceived the public.  It has been said that the bankers rule the world and the justice system ensures compliance with banking laws.  This phenomenon is ever so prevalent in the foreclosure pandemic.  Judges are ruling against homeowners while they deny them due process.  Why would a judge show bias when the banks are without the original note, lack proper notarization and fail to prove service throughout the procedure?  The only reason would be that monies magically appear in their private 801 retirement accounts having been a good spear chucker for the bankers.  As the impeached judge states, he didn't think his crimes rose to the level of an impeachable offense.  They do when a judge's actions are blatant  miscarriages of justice! 
Congress Rendered Superfluous!  I brought this point up a few weeks ago when I stated Nobama is being encouraged to use Executive Orders and recess appointments to establish his socialist agenda.  If Becker installs Card Check then good workers will be harassed and their jobs will be terminated.  What is a poor working stiff to do in this situation?  Of course this is being done with one aim in mind.  Pay back supporters that voted for the Muslim-in-Chief.  It has been reported that many union workers are not in favor of this measure but they will be in jeopardy if they resist.  Then again it is an historical fact that Democrats are the party of labor and Republicans are the party of management.  Looks like the common worker is the victim of both!  
A Bridge Too Far!  I present this post because I found it to be somewhat misleading.  Although I follow the reporting of John Fund his assertion that this type of faux pas can damage a future campaign is disingenuous.  The candidates are hand picked by the banking cartels, sometimes, years in advance.  George H.W. Bush was told five months before the 1992 election that he would not have a second term.  I think the consolation prize was his son winning the office within eight years.  Hillary was competitive with Nobama until a meeting on 7 June 2008 when she learned that she was not going to win the primary and convention vote.  She demurred and the rest is history.  What will happen to Nobama is anyone’s guess but what he does with this tax cut will not alter his course of history!

Learn to read tea leaves!


Monday, December 6, 2010

Treat Them Like Mushrooms

"The deficit is the symptom, spending is the disease. There are a number of elements about this plan that I like. still, unfortunately, represents a roughly $2 trillion tax increase on the American people, and does not fundamentally address the key driver of our national fiscal care." Rep. Jeb Hensarling – Fox News ~ Editor’s note:  What never ceases to amaze me is that the basic economic principle of taxation’s effects on spending is found in Economics 101 textbook.  I think Liberals must have been taking Liberal Arts electives instead of studying Samuelson!
Balanced Budget by Hook or by Crook!  If Congress and Executive Branch policy wonks can’t decide on how to balance the budget, then as the oddicle states the bond markets will make the hard decisions for them.  If the bond markets reject new debt there will be a catastrophic decline in the budget, like down to zero!  This is why so many guru’s are suggesting we store water and food for up to six months just in case the world turns ugly as hunger becomes a reality in America!
Miscarriage of Justice!   Lakin is being rolled in order for the corporate government to keep the illegitimacy of the Nobama administration under wraps.  It seems highly suspect that a man fighting for his honor wouldn’t be allowed to mount a defense by admitting evidence or defense witnesses.  Col. Lind is pulling out all of the stops to ensure Lakin is found guilty through her hyaline conduct.  It would have been better if Lakin had been tried in absentia or just assassinated immediately following his alleged transgression.  It looks like the end of the corporation when they are forced to be blatantly corrupt!
Some New Old News!  The media made every effort to elect this man who had no history, resume, management talent or connection with the people.  Nobama was selected many years before 2008 to be president, and come hell or high water nothing was going to upset the master plan.  If any presidential candidate in the past 50 years averred socialism the way Nobama stumped for the progressive viewpoint he wouldn’t have gotten past the Iowa caucus.  This impostor with the help of the press wiped out Hillary and company and his prospects of being reelected has Hillary crying uncle and retiring from elected office.  Don’t get your panties in a bunch because the electronic voting machines have already been programmed for four more years of the Muslim-in-Chief!
We are in the On Deck Circle!   This video was sent to me by one of my readers and it hits on two of my favorite peeves.  First, a banking debacle is building to cause a possible collapse of our currency and way of life.  As European Common Market goes, so goes our dollar.  Add to this mess the arrangement I mentioned last week about China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Brazil agreeing to not consider the US dollar the international currency of exchange and we are fast approaching doomsday.  Second, point of the video pertains to the sheeple in this country that are not fighting the TSA so as not to be inconvenienced!  I for one will not fly commercial air until the TSA is rolled back.  This lethal, well trained first line of defense is a joke!  More so is the premise that we should fear flying while Nobama and Napolitano have no intentions of closing our southern border!
Reinventing the Tenth!  I just love this bill that will protect our 10th Amendment rights.  Could someone remind me when the original 10th Amendment was repealed?  This is just one more incident that proves the Constitution has been dumped by the ruling class as a hindrance to their plan for One World governance!  This bill is a sterling idea since everyone ignores the original 10th but it will have an uphill battle for passage as long as politicians have anything to say about it.  That’s pols from both sides of the aisle!

Too little too late!


Friday, December 3, 2010

Now You See It...Now You Don't!

Fears Mount of White House Cave on Top Priority, throughout the day, Democrats on the Hill became increasingly concerned that the party's negotiators, at the behest of the White House, were inching closer to caving to GOP demands that tax cuts for the wealthy be extended for several years." Democrats "complain privately that the White House is capitulating to Republicans without extracting anything substantial in return." The Huffington Post ~ Editor’s note: This may be the first time in almost two years the Administration is following the will of the people.  Well they aren’t really following…it is more like an act of weakness.  Nobama will survive this little setback just as Slick Willie did because of the lame stream media.  Recently, a White House insider leaked to the press that the Americans didn’t elect Nobama, the media did!
A Sleight of Hand!  I mentioned this possibility of governance by executive order a few weeks ago shortly after the election.  Now this oddicle begins to explain how Nobama will skirt Congress in order for the Muslim-in-Chief to carry out his socialist agenda.  The statistics in this piece are quite amazing but the one about prosecutions against Union corruption is an eye opener!
We Don’t Need No Stinkin Energy!  When I first read this oddicle I was amazed at what government wants to do but I decided to check out more of the facts.  Secretary of Energy Salazar made a statement early today saying the moratorium was only for the Eastern seaboard.  Well that is a patent lie and the fact of the matter is there is a seven year moratorium for all drilling in all of our coastal waters.  As the oddicle states foreign interests are moving just outside our waters and drilling in international waters.  Not only will they tap our reserves but they could have a BP type blow out and pollute our waters and our wild life.  Is there any wonder that Nobama is moving to cripple our industrial base so we will become a European style social state?  Oh well, I like espresso!    
Political Ploys and Posturing!  There is no way Republicans will vote to tax the investment money out of existence and there is no way the liberals will tolerate the rich keeping their money.  I don’t think this is covered in either the Constitution or the Bible but that won’t stop this process anytime soon.  Nobama will have to capitulate or be shown for what he is.  He doesn’t like the spotlight on his short comings! Saturday is the showdown!
You Don’t Own Crap!  First I must apologize for the graphic language that the speaker uses to make his point.  When you see who it is you will understand what I mean.  I tell people about this phenomena all the time when I speak of the corporate government.  See Title 28 section 3002 12b definitions if you need to expunge all doubt.  Anyway I’m including this video as a weekend tense releasing therapy! 
The Source of Our Debt Problem!  Let me get this straight…the commission wants to lower Social Security and Military pensions and reports don’t mention if these reductions are for current retirees or future retirees.  Will the commission also recommend forgiving retirees their rent or mortgage payment if these reductions make retirees decide between a roof over their heads or food in their bellies?  The Politicians are the ones that promised the people these benefits but they got lost along the way fighting nation building wars, enabling incompetence, sloth and degradation of two generations of Americans.  Maybe the federal budget reductions should include politicians’ pay and staff expense.   

Friday’s Comics:

Bob Gorrell Walt Handelsman Gary Markstein Steve Sack Michael Ramirez Scott Stantis Gary Varvel Nick Anderson Lisa Benson 

Lay back and put your feet up!


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kickin the Can Down the Road!

The leaders "of a special bipartisan commission created to recommend ways to lower federal deficits and the national debt said Tuesday that they're delaying a vote on recommendations until Friday." The "leaders of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform," however, "announced that they'd make their report public Wednesday as planned." The delay came "in hopes of winning more support for" the report "from...members of the commission."  Erskine Bowles, "the commission's Democratic co-chairman," said yesterday, "The era of deficit denial in Washington is over. ... The plan we submit tomorrow... it's not going to be some watered down version of the chairman's mark." The Hill ~ Editor’s note:  The last I heard was the committee couldn’t get to 18 votes in favor of the plan.  Bipartisanship is alive and well and is shown in this exercise to be the poison that will kill the federal, promise them everything, government.  The good news is that Paul Ryan and other Republicans plan on incorporating up to 85% of the recommendations into the next budget!  Man the ramparts!
Babies and Bathwater!  The last time I looked there were very few if any insurance actuaries or underwriters in Congress.  Politicians poking their collective nose into this specialty field are asking for big problems.  The reason insurance rates are going up is because of the mandate to accept everyone regardless of current health problems.  They may win points for empathy but will, in the process, put specialty hospitals like St Jude’s and Shriners out of business.  
And In This Corner!   The Budget Committee is where it’s at in the 112th Congress!  As the oddicle says Paul Ryan will be pitted against Chris Van Hollen, ranking member, who will be attempting to keep the status quo for liberal programs at the expense of future American generations.  In case you are unaware of Van Hollen he was the man that predicted the Democrats would keep the House two days before election.  A committed liberal he has a difficult time with reality and fiscal responsibility!
Once Burned!  It never ceases to amaze me how any politician can be so blind as to what increased taxation can do to a weak economy…taxes decrease the propensity to spend…lack of spending will slow the economy…a slow economy is what we have already and it ain’t good!  Ideologists seemingly don’t care!  Luckily, we only have a few weeks until Nancy, with the surgically altered face will move down to the body of the House.
Sustain This!  Does anybody see a pattern developing here?  Americans need jobs but the Democrats want to starve investment capital through taxation, government wants to kill our energy independence (see above) and now the community organizer may be killing the airline industry.  Not unlike the last blog “We Need a Plan A” this oddicle points out a not too subtle conspiracy of destroying private businesses while corralling Americans into sustainable communities where they can be watched and controlled.  I only hope this happens after my lifetime.  What say you?
Can’t Say We Weren’t Warned!  I think this oddicle should be a warning to conservatives who think a Republican is a shoe-in for the 2012 election for President.  Besides Nobama’s charisma voters turn out for Presidential elections and those new voters are minorities and the Utes of America.  These voters are totally uninformed and vote for whom they consider to be a rock star.  Then they go back to their cybercafes as the country suffers for their bad judgment.  I still don’t understand how Utes can be allowed to vote at eighteen but not allowed to drink alcohol…could it be they are too immature to choose their drink wisely?

There has to be some sanity to all of this!
