"Funding for the new healthcare reform law is noticeably absent from a bill to keep the government running through March 4, after Republicans objected to an earlier proposal because they said it funded reform." The continuing resolution or CR "provides a small increase of $1.16 billion over fiscal 2010 levels, but does not fund reform law measures included in an earlier, comprehensive spending proposal." The Hill ~ Editor’s note: This is the good news that was expected since the omnibus spending bill was pulled by Dirty Harry. Formation of a budget lays squarely on the backs of the Republicans and their aim is to choke off funding to the implementation of Nobamacare! If you need a directional aid come January just listen for the howling and it should lead you to the District!
An Obvious Solution! http://tinyurl.com/2cgpblg In light of the federal government overreach on so many civil liberties it is wonderment to me that this tack isn’t taken more seriously. If the state doesn’t like a federal mandate just ignore it and proceed on the current course. This Tenth Amendment action is picking up speed but will take years to attain momentum. The feds could always affect state elections so that only their people are elected and no one would be the wiser. The next step after the 10th would be restoring the Republic so that all laws passed in the District apply only to those who live in the district. Heresy!
Stealth and Deceit! http://tinyurl.com/2by9ouq The FCC Comish had a vote to enact internet neutrality but something doesn’t add up. A while back a court told the FCC the internet did not need government interference. Issue is dead! Not so, says the Comish as he secretly designed a new set of regs but refused to release them because the internet would unravel his nefarious plan. Genachowski, the Comish, claims his rules will protect internet providers but will control development of new start up businesses. All are leery of his intent and worry that once the camel has his nose under the tent the internet growth and innovation will die! Now the courts will have to rule once again, and a Republican Congress will have to take time to dismantle the new regs because the FCC doesn’t have the authority to do what they just did which was a naked power grab. We’re from the government and we are here to help you!!!
Common Sense No More…Wait! http://tinyurl.com/2foupqd This oddicle and video are human interest stories with a twist. The video tells the story but why did this good deed go punished. Could it be our fine uniformed friends are from the bottom of the barrel, they are autotrons with no human compassion or are they revenue officers trained to create a revenue stream from any source possible to keep the corporate government from sinking below the ice of insolvency. Just in time for the season of giving…tickets! Notice how the lame stream media people never questioned why the uniform persisted in ticketing the tow Samaritans! Enjoy Your Last Christmas! http://tinyurl.com/2cgm3c4 Let me add that it will be the last one as we have come to know the feast day. The proverbial dominoes are ready to cascade, and when they do jobs, pensions, education and peace in our towns will be a thing of the past. If our corporate governments do go down then the salvation would have to be local government by the people instead of by financial organizations. If you don’t understand my last sentence, please go to your local library and ask for the Consolidated Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Every state, county and municipality has one, and in the report you will see that your local government is sitting on $billions they will use to fund pensions etc. Word of caution…don’t bring this topic up in your local government meeting unless you are fully versed in what it means! If you do go in half-cocked you will soon be persona non grata!
Oops…the Cats Out of the Bag! http://tinyurl.com/2wteged If you watch the video you can decide for yourself if the words are dubbed or it they are factual. You all know that I am a skeptic of this man’s ability to tell the people the truth, and I constantly look for proof that he is committing treason. I sure hope LTC Lakin doesn’t come across this video while he’s serving time in Leavenworth! If the video is accurate then what has transpired is tragic!
There is little chance of turning back the clock once government becomes entrenched!