Monday, April 18, 2011

The World War of Rhetoric!

"Republican leaders had signaled strongly to the White House that they would vote in favor of raising the national debt ceiling, despite pressure from some lawmakers in the party to use the coming vote as leverage to seek deep spending cuts." The Times ads that "Republican leaders responded rather indirectly to Mr. Geithner later on Sunday, focusing on their demands for greater spending exchange for a vote to raise the debt ceiling, rather than on whether they actually planned to vote for the increase." New York Times ~ Editor’s note:  OK, which is it?  Are we to believe Boehner’s pledge to tie a debt ceiling increase to spending cuts or are the Republicans rolling over.  Does anyone still believe that our political system is in place to protect the people?  After the news came out Friday that the 2011 budget deal only had $358 million in real savings out of the $38 billion promised, I am awash in cynicism…
Twisting Not Spinning!  O’Reilly is getting into the deep end of the pool.  He is rather smug and purports to have an answer to all questions.  But as a self proclaimed simple man he is not as infallible as he leads us to believe.  His quick response to questions that challenge Nobama’s natural born status O’Reilly blurted out that Nobama’s father once lived in Connecticut.  He may have lived their in the early on but the SS number wasn’t issued until at least 1977.  Read more…
No More Mr. Nice Guy!  I always wondered how long it would take to expose the real politician in the Oval Office.  I think Nobama’s handlers wish they could take back last Wednesday’s speech…rather the way in which Nobama presented it…to the public.  It smacked of partisanship and political campaign rhetoric.  Nobama’s deportment is proof positive that he is not serious about the welfare of the country but only the reelection of his imperious self in 2012.  I think the ruse is coming to an end, sooner rather than later!
Like…Whatever!  This oddicle is like so, so Nobama!  Today Standard & Poor's downgrades future investment instrumentalities if the United States Corporation doesn’t get it together soon and Nobama is parading around America touting his idea of the new American Compact.  I guess it includes redistribution of income, higher taxes and unemployment.  Looks to me like a great plan to make all Americans rely on big brother when the economy collapses under the weight of unsustainable debt.     

Live and relearn!


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