Other detractors appear to be less educated on the topic of the rule of law as it applies to the eligibility issue, including the collective intellect of members of the view. Other pundits and politicians on the conservative side, including Karl Rove, who called the matter a distraction, and Michele Bachman (R-MN), who said “we should take Obama at his word,” seem to have little regard for the application of constitutional law as it would apply to Obama. Canada Free Press ~ Editor’s note: This is the best investigative report I have read on the subject…
Will the Real Citizen Please Stand Up! http://tinyurl.com/3nthh27 If you have any doubts as to the validity of Nobama you must read this complete oddicle, the sequel and the two reports attached below. The Hagmann’s as they explain did a full blown professional investigation of the validity of Nobama’s claims that he is in fact a natural born citizen. When you are done with the oddicles and subsequent reports you will be better armed to debate the likes of Michele Bachmann, who claims she takes Nobama at his word he was born in Hawaii, and most certainly understand my disgust with Bill O’Reilly arguing that the claims of an illegitimate President has been thoroughly vetted by his staff is bogus. Enjoy the read…I will post the reports contained in the oddicle below so you will have not excuse but to read the facts.
The Sequel! http://tinyurl.com/3sz46xf In keeping with my theme here is the sequel to the Hagmann’s investigation. It was written a few days after the original oddicle was posted and they rebut some of the criticisms of the first report. This is interesting and by all means take the time to hit on all of the links in both oddicles as they will cement the facts that many people have asserted, and one man gave up his career in the Army to prove the fraud only to be convicted in a sham Courts Martial and is presently in the gray bar motel known as Leavenworth.
The Investigative Report I! http://tinyurl.com/29go7yn You won’t believe your eyes when you peruse this report. Is it to be believed? Only you can decide but be sure you hit on all of the links provided in this entire blog!
I can’t believe the spin!
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