Thursday, March 8, 2012

Turning a Blind Eye!

Stay Home on Election Day!  Many years ago I realized elections were rigged so that corporate America could control public policy at the expense of voter preference.  My first clue to voter fraud, aside from 100,000 dead Illini voting for JFK in 1960, was intuitive, and the second clue centered on the 1996 elections.  The Republicans nominated Robert Dole as their standard barer to run against a wounded and flawed Bill Clinton.   

However, after the 2004 election their was a court hearing in Ohio, it can be found after the featured video ends, wherein the programmer testified he could rig any election to arrive at the desired outcome.  Take a look at the video in this email and formulate your own conclusions.  
Ron Paul is being defrauded as well as all of the hard working Americans donating money, time and toil to campaign for him, and the lame stream media turns a blind eye…a fine kettle of fish!  

Why participate in the fraud thinking you can redefine the word insanity?

 There Is No Free Press!  That’s right, it has been bought and paid for by ideologues who intimidate the press from doing their job as they willingly misrepresent the final vote counts.  This oddicle scares me because I have followed the story since 2007.  Court case after court case looking into Obama's fraud has been thrown out for lack of standing.  A few months ago Obama ignored a subpoena to appear and the Judge ruled in his favor non the less...the fix is on children!  

Thomas Jefferson proposed that the Republic conduct a revolution about every twenty years in order to prevent this type of abuse.  Another thing Jefferson advocated was Nullification of laws shoved down the throat of the citizenry.  I read this is happening in my states.  Arizona for instance, my state, will be passing laws to nullify the National Defense Authorization Act that allows the federal law enforcement agencies to arrest and detain Americans, they deem to be a domestic terrorists, without due process.  People, you may or may not know this includes…veterans, retired law enforcement personnel not trained in current swat tactics, people who have read, understand and are willing to defend the Constitution, and let’s not forget anyone who prays or reads the bible.  There's that fine kettle of fish again...

I wonder how many dead voters will vote in all fifty state Presidential elections come November?


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