Monday, January 10, 2011

The Tip of the Iceberg!

"For Democrats, the challenge is how to voice their suspicion that overheated rhetoric, especially from the right, is leading to threats and actual violence without being perceived as blaming Republicans for what may have been the act of a lone madman." For Republicans, "the challenge is to seem sympathetic but not defensive, especially given the contentious policy issues, particularly immigration and gun rights, that have been simmering in" Rep. Giffords' district.  New York Times ~ Editor’s note:  Aside from the horror of heinous act there is plenty of juxtapositions that will make your head spin, i.e. Jdoggers:  I hate sarah palin. We shall see the tea party connection to this moron who killed those innocent people, including a 9 year old girl, in the coming days. Sarah palin better get ready for some lawsuits. Realwriter24:  Jiggy, I totally agree with you. I have to add my own observation though. The hatred I see toward Sarah Palin is every bit as dangerous as this demented killer's hatred is. I fear for Sarah Palin's life given the hatred toward her being espoused on this site. These are just two of the hundreds of comments on this website:  The vitriol being spewed by the left leaning participants suggests that reason is being jettisoned in order to make room for emotional rants!  Seems there is enough hatred to go around for everybody!  
Stoking the Fire of Hatred!  A basic rule of science is: for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction…this seems to be what is happening to those who condemn conservatives for Giffords shooting!  What happened in Tucson Saturday will never be fully understood as the truth is being covered up as I write this blog.  Call me cynical but whenever events occur in this manner I smell a cover-up.  After researching JFK’s assassination, Tonkin Gulf, OKC bombing and 911 I have come to doubt all that the lame stream media espouses…can you blame me?
The Way It Crumbles – Cookie Wise   The fissure is increasing and may fracture the entire banking scam that allows financial institutions to claim they loaned borrowers money.  In fact they didn’t loan a solitary penny, sold the note many times over then claim the right to foreclose without proof of being the holder in due course.  This is fraud in its rawest form!  
Lifting the Fog!  This video has been around for a long time but I just ran across it yesterday and thought it germane in respects to what is going on in the country.  The media has lied to the people so many times that it has been rendered insignificant.  Could that be the reason big government wants to harness the internet so the truth of what is really going on can be removed from public purview?  Much has changed since Kennedy’s era…only it has gotten worse!  Enjoy the video and recognize some of the bit players from the cast of One World Order!
Houdini Calculator!  Due to the tragic event of the mass shooting a few days ago the Congress postponed the symbolic vote scheduled for Wednesday.  The irony of this vote is mind blowing in respects to the assertions that adding 30 million people to the healthcare system will reduce costs but don’t dare look at the doctor fix and other sundry tactics that hide the true costs of socialism…oh, we won’t be able to mention Socialist if politicians have any say in the matter!  
Ratcheting Down Free Speech!  This type of behavior should just about do it when it comes to free speech.  Two years ago Congress federalized hate speech but that wasn’t enough.  The need to curb symbols and euphemisms is essential in liberal think.  These types of people cannot differentiate between the literal and figurative speech.  It is so sad because people won’t be able to explain their thoughts without a complicated road-map of politically approved vocabulary.  Before you know it conservatives won’t be allowed to breath let alone express themselves!   

Keep your thoughts to yourself!


1 comment:

  1. As a resident of this United States AND Tucson AZ, I must make a comment about what happened on Saturday here. We, as individuals, and as a country, need to get it. What does that mean? It means that getting out of our egos, which is what separates us, is the main priority now. Until we do, we will never flourish. If we don't, we might just perish.
