Charles Krauthammer, in a column titled Massacre, Followed By Libel, "The charge: The Tucson massacre is a consequence of the 'climate of hate' created by Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Glenn Beck, Obamacare opponents and sundry other liberal bĂȘte noires. The verdict: Rarely in American political discourse has there been a charge so reckless, so scurrilous and so unsupported by evidence." Washington Post ~ Editor’s note: It seems like most of the stories in the media pertain to the Tucson incident. What could be going on in the background? There are problems pertaining to bank fraud, foreclosure-gate, currency manipulations, international embezzlement and pending investment confiscation that are being ignored…maybe by design! Eventually, we will begin to hear about improprieties on the part of our elected leaders and future hopefuls. Don’t be surprised when they surface!
Something Isn’t Right! I researched the information found in the main oddicle, and there is much that doesn’t add up. Why isn’t the slaying of Judge John Roll playing a more prominent role (no pun intended) in the news coverage? The judge announced last Friday of his intent to rule against Nobama’s intent to confiscate money form Americans’ bank and retirement accounts. (More details in the oddicle) This is troublesome to me on a intuitive level (Be advised my intuition told me the San Francisco 49ers were going to the Super Bowl). The court case can be found in the second paragraph of the oddicle following the bold typed case name. I recently learned but cannot confirm that his U.S. Marshal detail was lifted, how convenient if true! This is a heads up as the federal corporation teeters on the brink of insolvency it would behoove all of us to keep some cash on hand, if not all of it! I hope I’m wrong about this issue! Let me forewarn you that this oddicle is not 100% hyperbole!
A Prozac Moment! Everyone should chill out following Excedrin headache moments such as we witnessed last Saturday…that is unless you are an overly wrought liberal who makes a living jumping to conclusions. People like Krugman, Olbermann and others on the far left should pause before they try to lay blame for the shooting on conservatives. Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Rush Limbaugh, and a host of radio talk show hosts were accused of inflammatory rhetoric making them morally accessories to murder. It kind of reminds me how as a child I would pretend my index finger was a gun in the course of shooting my friends, they were the bad guys, thereby mandating they had to count to ten before resuming the fight. If that game were played today I would be in detention hall or suspended! Just call me crazy or deadeye!
Never Waste a Crisis! George Will adds to my litany of oddicles about the main topic of news this week. Congress has shut down and Nobama is preparing a Clintonesque Oklahoma City bombing eulogy for the nation. By week’s end most of the victims will fade from the lame stream press’ consciousness leaving us with bits of info concerning the recovery of the Congresswoman, and in time remembrances of the anniversary. Let’s not forget the pending twenty year court case to convict and execute Longhner!
Don’t Call Him Mohammad! This oddicle has probably made the round by the time you open it but Limbaugh’s linear mind makes it clear how bias the lame streamers really are when it comes to winning! Even the ballet dancer, Rahm, called a truce about never letting a crisis go to waste. So far the polls are showing that nearly 60% of Americans think the screed from the left is over the top and it may come back to haunt them, especially, since Giffords is a proponent of the 2nd Amendment and border security.
No Way, Shape or Form! When interviewed by Geraldo Monday, and asked if he regretted shooting off his mouth regarding pointing blame at others instead of performing his assigned duties Dupnik denied remorse. A sheriff has two duties, first is to collect evidence and the second is to uphold constitutional law. By giving his opinion, thereby becoming a pundit and neglected his assigned duties. For those not familiar with Tucson be aware that it is the home of Arizona University…college towns breed liberal think. Tucson is no exception!
The worst is yet to come!