Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Keep Your Eye on the Ball!

Charles Krauthammer, in a column titled Massacre, Followed By Libel, "The charge: The Tucson massacre is a consequence of the 'climate of hate' created by Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Glenn Beck, Obamacare opponents and sundry other liberal bĂȘte noires. The verdict: Rarely in American political discourse has there been a charge so reckless, so scurrilous and so unsupported by evidence." Washington Post ~ Editor’s note:  It seems like most of the stories in the media pertain to the Tucson incident.  What could be going on in the background?  There are problems pertaining to bank fraud, foreclosure-gate, currency manipulations, international embezzlement and pending investment confiscation that are being ignored…maybe by design!  Eventually, we will begin to hear about improprieties on the part of our elected leaders and future hopefuls.  Don’t be surprised when they surface!
Something Isn’t Right!  I researched the information found in the main oddicle, and there is much that doesn’t add up.  Why isn’t the slaying of Judge John Roll playing a more prominent role (no pun intended) in the news coverage?  The judge announced last Friday of his intent to rule against Nobama’s intent to confiscate money form Americans’ bank and retirement accounts.  (More details in the oddicle) This is troublesome to me on a intuitive level (Be advised my intuition told me the San Francisco 49ers were going to the Super Bowl).  The court case can be found in the second paragraph of the oddicle following the bold typed case name.  I recently learned but cannot confirm that his U.S. Marshal detail was lifted, how convenient if true!  This is a heads up as the federal corporation teeters on the brink of insolvency it would behoove all of us to keep some cash on hand, if not all of it! I hope I’m wrong about this issue! Let me forewarn you that this oddicle is not 100% hyperbole!
A Prozac Moment!  Everyone should chill out following Excedrin headache moments such as we witnessed last Saturday…that is unless you are an overly wrought liberal who makes a living jumping to conclusions.  People like Krugman, Olbermann and others on the far left should pause before they try to lay blame for the shooting on conservatives.  Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Rush Limbaugh, and a host of radio talk show hosts were accused of inflammatory rhetoric making them morally accessories to murder.  It kind of reminds me how as a child I would pretend my index finger was a gun in the course of shooting my friends, they were the bad guys, thereby mandating they had to count to ten before resuming the fight.  If that game were played today I would be in detention hall or suspended!  Just call me crazy or deadeye!  
Never Waste a Crisis!  George Will adds to my litany of oddicles about the main topic of news this week.  Congress has shut down and Nobama is preparing a Clintonesque Oklahoma City bombing eulogy for the nation.  By week’s end most of the victims will fade from the lame stream press’ consciousness leaving us with bits of info concerning the recovery of the Congresswoman, and in time remembrances of the anniversary.  Let’s not forget the pending twenty year court case to convict and execute Longhner! 
Don’t Call Him Mohammad!  This oddicle has probably made the round by the time you open it but Limbaugh’s linear mind makes it clear how bias the lame streamers really are when it comes to winning!  Even the ballet dancer, Rahm, called a truce about never letting a crisis go to waste.  So far the polls are showing that nearly 60% of Americans think the screed from the left is over the top and it may come back to haunt them, especially, since Giffords is a proponent of the 2nd Amendment and border security. 
No Way, Shape or Form!   When interviewed by Geraldo Monday, and asked if he regretted shooting off his mouth regarding pointing blame at others instead of performing his assigned duties Dupnik denied remorse.  A sheriff has two duties, first is to collect evidence and the second is to uphold constitutional law.  By giving his opinion, thereby becoming a pundit and neglected his assigned duties.  For those not familiar with Tucson be aware that it is the home of Arizona University…college towns breed liberal think.  Tucson is no exception!

The worst is yet to come!


Monday, January 10, 2011

The Tip of the Iceberg!

"For Democrats, the challenge is how to voice their suspicion that overheated rhetoric, especially from the right, is leading to threats and actual violence without being perceived as blaming Republicans for what may have been the act of a lone madman." For Republicans, "the challenge is to seem sympathetic but not defensive, especially given the contentious policy issues, particularly immigration and gun rights, that have been simmering in" Rep. Giffords' district.  New York Times ~ Editor’s note:  Aside from the horror of heinous act there is plenty of juxtapositions that will make your head spin, i.e. Jdoggers:  I hate sarah palin. We shall see the tea party connection to this moron who killed those innocent people, including a 9 year old girl, in the coming days. Sarah palin better get ready for some lawsuits. Realwriter24:  Jiggy, I totally agree with you. I have to add my own observation though. The hatred I see toward Sarah Palin is every bit as dangerous as this demented killer's hatred is. I fear for Sarah Palin's life given the hatred toward her being espoused on this site. These are just two of the hundreds of comments on this website:  The vitriol being spewed by the left leaning participants suggests that reason is being jettisoned in order to make room for emotional rants!  Seems there is enough hatred to go around for everybody!  
Stoking the Fire of Hatred!  A basic rule of science is: for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction…this seems to be what is happening to those who condemn conservatives for Giffords shooting!  What happened in Tucson Saturday will never be fully understood as the truth is being covered up as I write this blog.  Call me cynical but whenever events occur in this manner I smell a cover-up.  After researching JFK’s assassination, Tonkin Gulf, OKC bombing and 911 I have come to doubt all that the lame stream media espouses…can you blame me?
The Way It Crumbles – Cookie Wise   The fissure is increasing and may fracture the entire banking scam that allows financial institutions to claim they loaned borrowers money.  In fact they didn’t loan a solitary penny, sold the note many times over then claim the right to foreclose without proof of being the holder in due course.  This is fraud in its rawest form!  
Lifting the Fog!  This video has been around for a long time but I just ran across it yesterday and thought it germane in respects to what is going on in the country.  The media has lied to the people so many times that it has been rendered insignificant.  Could that be the reason big government wants to harness the internet so the truth of what is really going on can be removed from public purview?  Much has changed since Kennedy’s era…only it has gotten worse!  Enjoy the video and recognize some of the bit players from the cast of One World Order!
Houdini Calculator!  Due to the tragic event of the mass shooting a few days ago the Congress postponed the symbolic vote scheduled for Wednesday.  The irony of this vote is mind blowing in respects to the assertions that adding 30 million people to the healthcare system will reduce costs but don’t dare look at the doctor fix and other sundry tactics that hide the true costs of socialism…oh, we won’t be able to mention Socialist if politicians have any say in the matter!  
Ratcheting Down Free Speech!  This type of behavior should just about do it when it comes to free speech.  Two years ago Congress federalized hate speech but that wasn’t enough.  The need to curb symbols and euphemisms is essential in liberal think.  These types of people cannot differentiate between the literal and figurative speech.  It is so sad because people won’t be able to explain their thoughts without a complicated road-map of politically approved vocabulary.  Before you know it conservatives won’t be allowed to breath let alone express themselves!   

Keep your thoughts to yourself!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Mind Your Helm!

"President Obama officially drew a line in the sand Thursday evening, threatening to veto House Republicans' attempt to repeal Obama's landmark healthcare law. In a statement of administration policy released by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the administration said that repeal ‘would explode the deficit, raise costs for the American people and businesses, deny an estimated 32 million people health insurance, and take us back to the days when insurers could deny, limit or drop coverage for any American.'" The Hill ~ Editor’s note:  The spread on what is true and what is not is mind boggling…Paul Ryan states the CBO was given faulty numbers upon which to base the above dire prediction.  In the last post below we begin to see the doublespeak that surrounds the entire District of Columbia.  I think the trouble is not only the water they drink but the air they breathe. 

Come Join and Get Involved!  I just learned about this organization and I signed up to give it a test ride.  I altered some of my personal information like age and gender, and a little more, in order to keep from being inundated with junk mail!  I think it is a great way to follow your legislators and bills that spark your interest.  I’m only making you aware of the site so look it over and make your own decision!
It Didn’t Take Long!   Right out of the gate the Republicans seem to be walking back some of their campaign rhetoric.  Taking into consideration that the rag I am highlighting is based in Nancy Pelosi’s backyard, and reporters in general will always error on the side of Liberals it still irks me that backsliding on their promises is happening the first two days of Congress.  The oddicle does give the GOP some wiggle room but what the hell, we are dealing with politicians!  
Law Trumps Legislation-Duh!  It looks like this mess is equally shared by all Americans and the states in which they are domiciled.  The Mortgage Electronic Registry Service (MERS) is the culprit that moves mortgage deeds and promissory note around the world with a sleight-of-hand that would make Houdini jealous.  The system is so slick that county recorders in all 3000+ counties are cheated out of transfer fees and rights of holders in due course are obscured.  If the banking empire of this country collapse and the corporate government ceases to be this nefarious practice may be the primary cause!
Play Nice!  I can’t wait for the battle royal to begin.  Already Harry Reid is being nicknamed “Dr. No!”  How soon we forget that last month the GOP was the party of No!  I guess the press will make this a badge of courage for Liberals all the while it was a political expletive for Republicans.  On top of the bickering we will have gushes of chatoyant lacrimation from our small business owner turned second in succession to the Presidency.  You can’t make this stuff up folks!   
It Was Once Only Famous for Cheese!  Wisconsin was also known for the People’s Republic of Madison, Curly Lambeau Stadium, and funny expressions, like "dontcha know", "you betcha" and "by gosh!"  Now with a newly elected Republican governor, senator and a few more conservatives taking office a sudden outbreak of freedom is occurring in the state of cheese heads in epic proportions. More and more states are catching the 10th Amendment fever and supporting the Second Amendment Foundation.  You go Badgers!  
Garbage In, Garbage Out!  The author of this oddicle has a remarkable background in economics and was the former Director of the Congressional Budget Office.  What he has to say here should make your toes curl up and your hair fall out.  The Liberals cooked the books last year, oh no they wouldn’t do that!  Congressman Paul Ryan was on the stump today with these revelations and will expose the duplicity of the 111th Congress in falsifying the facts surrounding Nobamacare.  Of course they were led by the Prevaricator-in-Chief, BHO!

Clay Bennett

Lisa Benson

Ken Catalino
Walt Handelsman
Clay Jones
 Gary Markstein

Michael Ramirez
Mike Thompson
Gary Varvel 

Be sure to watch the video in my last blog two days ago.  It is imperative you understand the grand plan to destroy this country!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Recipe for Boiled Frog!

"The GOP and tea party heralding of the" Constitution "in recent months -- and the planned recitation on the House floor Thursday -- has caused some Democrats to worry that the charter is being misconstrued as the immutable word of God." Rep. Jerrold Nadler, "who has studied and memorized the Constitution with Talmudic intensity," said yesterday, "They are reading it like a sacred text." Nadler also "called the 'ritualistic reading' on the floor 'total nonsense' and 'propaganda' intended to claim the document for Republicans." Washington Post ~ Editor’s note:  I’m sure you would recognize Nadler if you saw him, he looks like a man who stashed all of the nuts to be found in Manhattan’s Central Park in his jowls.  He is positioned to the far left and ignores the Constitution as if it were printed on Kryptonite. The recitation of the Constitution today is a symbolic gesture to remind the country that we have strayed far and wide from the founding principles.  Be advised just about every politician at every level has acted in a repugnant manner towards the document since the ratification of the 14th Amendment in 1868.  I think it’s time to reassess our priorities and change direction. 
Gets Real Cozy at the Top!  So far there have been no final decisions on any of Nobama’s new staff organization but I thought the possibility of William Daley moving into the White House West Wing was interesting.  For instance Rahmbo is running for Mayor of Chicago in an attempt to replace outgoing Mayor Richard Daley.  William is Richard’s brother and he comes from Goldman Sachs the biggest player on Wall Street.  Even funnier is the fact that Nobama and fellow liberals are supposed to abhor Wall Street tycoons but if this deal goes down one will move in down the hall from the Oval Office.  I guess there are few surprises left!  
Coming Soon to Your 401K!   This threat has been lurking in the background since the bailouts began in 2009.  Now that the European countries are at their wits end it is a sure thing that their citizens will be coerced into giving up their retirements.  The goal of the banking community is to own everything from real estate to piggy banks.  If it is happening in Europe it is a sure thing that this confiscation of property will wend its way to America.  After all the European banking cartel owns and controls the United States.  I think the grasshopper's methods are more efficient than the ants'! 
Must Watch, Must Heed!  Speaking of ants...if you are in a fog and don’t quite understand what is going on then you must watch this video.  If you think you have a handle on the issue then you must watch this video.  It explains in depth what is happening to this country by design under the auspices of our elected and non-elected leaders.  I read back in November that George H. W. Bush was ferrying large amounts of money out of the country on chartered plains.  I, at first, thought it preposterous but it is becoming more and more plausible to me after listening to Catherine Austin Fitts.  This woman is as brilliant as she is brave!  For you ADHD types, take take this in small doses.
The Pot at Rainbow’s End!  I use to love living in California until the state felt it their right to treat individuals and businesses like hosts for leeches!  The abundance of liberals made for very rocky relationships because I refused to be politically correct when ordered to do so.  Now I laugh at the current situation of the Golden State, just as I do Illinois and New York.  The liberals, hating the golden egg laying geese try to wring every red cent from entities in order to fund socialism.  What they fail to comprehend is that Corporations don’t pay taxes…they pass them on to their customers as increased costs.  I think Texas and other Sun Belt states are doing the correct thing by raiding the pot that contains overtaxed and regulated businesses!
Another Take on Nobamacare!   There are times when I fear Nobamacare will stand as the Senate could stop any house bill regarding repeal in addition to the President having the ultimate insurmountable veto.  Then the Constitutionality issue is brought up and hope springs eternal knowing the sleight-of-hand that was used to pass the legislation.  Read what Ms. Bondi had to say and maybe you will agree.

I will viewing C SPAN today to see how many Democrats stay in the chamber during the recitation!


Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year But Nothing Will Change!

"In a few months, Congress must vote to raise the amount of money the government can borrow or face a possible government shutdown. Many Republicans are refusing to go along with that unless there is a plan in place to balance the budget."  In a front-page story about GOP plans to dismantle the President's agenda beginning with healthcare reform White House economic chief Austan Goolsbee said Sunday, "that hitting the debt's $14.3 trillion ceiling without extending it would mean 'essentially defaulting on our obligations, which is totally unprecedented in American history." He added, “the impact on the economy would be catastrophic." New York Times ~ Editor’s note: Let the games begin…Nobama’s agenda won’t work if budgets are required.  The Democrats failed to pass a budget for fiscal year 2011 last summer and kicked the can down the road until March.  The Republicans are now tasked with writing a budget right out of the gate.  This budget ceiling is nothing more than a reorganization of the 1933 bankruptcy that resulted from manipulations caused by the Federal Reserve Bank.  A default may be better than passing economic slavery on to future generations.  This whole scenario is proof that liberals should not be in charge of the purse strings.  But I’m not totally sure that Republicans do much better!
Starting the Year on a Good Note!  Since there is little to no political activity since the Christmas recess I thought this humorous video I received would be a fun diversion from the usual political mumble jumble!  Once in this site look around for other performances that are achieved in You-tube.  Enjoy and have fun.  The real fun begins Wednesday when the Congress convenes.  I expect fireworks right out of the gate so fasten your seat belts.
What We Endured Last Congress!  This ploy to argue both sides of the issue is a science taught in law schools enabling lawyers to talk out of both sides of their mouths.  Maybe that was the reason the original 13th Amendment banned attorneys from holding elected office.  More importantly, this was the reason the original 13th was eliminated from the history books.  Do a search for the Original Amendment having to do with Titles of Nobility!
Washington Post Hides Story!  The liberal mind, or better said, liberal mindlessness hits new highs or maybe lows with the logic put forth in Nobamacare.  The plan is poorly thought out and although it is disheartening to think this mess will control our future I took stock in Sunday’s talking head programs upon hearing Republicans will be holding hearings on all aspects of Nobamacare.  If they can’t find a compromise to improve the program they are vowing to cut funding.  This will be exciting to watch but I really think all politicians could care less about the monstrosity because they are exempt from the plan.  However, it makes great campaign rhetoric!
Live and Die by the Rules!  I was expecting some kind of trickery from Dirty Harry but didn’t quite see what was coming.  The main problem with his rules change is that there are many more Democrat senators running in 2012 than there are Republicans.  These Democrats will be walking on thin ice for fear of showing their true colors and will be forced to vote against Harry and Nobama!  OK, I'm hoping!
Mr. Inside and Miss Outside!  This is better than cloning!  Nobama is allowed to fly around the country campaigning for 2012 while Miss Valerie stays in the White House and makes cookies.  If I didn’t know better I think she had something to do with getting Emanuel out of the West Wing so she could weave her webs.  This woman is an avowed socialist and was tickled pink when she recruited Van Jones, the green czar, to work in the White House.  It didn’t go so well then and I she will be outed by the press corps when her policies are made public.  Remember Nobama said he was going to govern through regulations and not legislation.  Jarrett is the head regulator!

Welcome back from the holidays…I trust everyone gained a few pounds!  Now worry it off!
