Saturday, February 5, 2011

In need of heightened awareness!

"Observers of the legal drama surrounding President Obama's healthcare reform legislation have reached two broad conclusions: that it will ultimately be ruled on by the Supreme Court, and that Justice Anthony Kennedy will be the deciding vote." Yet, "legal scholars and defenders of the bill are increasingly convinced that another court member, not Kennedy, will play the critical role. And the name tantalizingly floated, often in private conversation with healthcare advocates, is Antonin Scalia," whose "opinion in the 2005 case of Gonzales v. Raich has led to speculation that he could begrudgingly okay the underlying principles of the individual mandate -- the legally-contested provision at the heart of the bill." Huffington Post ~ Editor’s note:  Wouldn’t that be a kick in the ass?  Before we get all riled up let’s reflect on the source of this prognostication.  The liberals are drinking in excess if they think this will come to pass!
Believe It or Not!  I know this will boggle some of your minds but maybe it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee!  This particular story has been bombarding my mailbox for weeks and I just thought it would be of interest to y’all!  Forget it there is any veracity to the story just ponder the possibilities if is true.  Such pondering explains a lot of the occurrences that have taken place in 2011.  The debt ceiling, Nobama supposed movement to the center, the presence of Slick Willie in the White Office, collapse of Middle East governments, the pending destruction of the U.S. Dollar and the economy.  Most of all the seemingly disinterest by the SCOTUS of nefarious actions in the Oval Office.  They got their fortunes securely stashed away, or so it appears, and they don’t want to be bothered with a few laws enacted for the little people!
A New Virginia Resolve!  Following up on the previous oddicle I thought it best to present some actions being undertaken by the once subservient States.  It looks like the lame stream media are overlooking the insurgence of nullification by states fed up with federal meddling and malfeasance.  It looks like there may be salvation as each state takes back its sovereignty, and stands up like the nation that they are.  One piece of legislation that should be jettisoned is the 14th Amendment that made us all primarily U.S. citizens over our state Citizenship.  If you are unaware of this concept let me know and I will endeavor to present germane information!
The Natives Are Restless!   Up pops little old Arizona, the capital of immigration overhaul, gun owner rights and now the preservation of States Rights!  Sure there are many other states, too numerous to mention, that are fed up with the overreaching labyrinthine goliath that threatens our rights to live without federal meddling.  Let’s hope more and more people sit up and take notice of the pending collapse of the federal corporation that has indebted us all, weakened our national security and sacrificed the Utes of American on the alter of commerce…owned by the elite.  All democracies eventually fail and it looks like ours is teetering!
Don’t Laugh at the Elite!  This clip was shown on some of the non NBC talking head shows earlier this week.  In case you missed it I thought it would be nice finish to this edition.  I’m sure many of you had the same concerns and questions about the WWW but in context of who are talking this is funny.  I was doing email in late 1993 on a Navigator dial up or the equivalence of Wilbur and Orville on a sandy beach in February!

I will be sending out very few if any posts and asides until after I undergo eye surgery in early March.  Working on the internet is most differcult when you become highly nearsighted.  I just thought these posts were reason to have hope that the corporation is on the shoals and taking in water…
