Going Through the Motions! http://tinyurl.com/d67twmb
I am both relieved and a bit cynical to see this story after my post of yesterday…as most of us are familiar with the way Federal Corporation works, using legislative trickery to insert provisions in bills that are written by lobbyists containing hundreds of pages that Congress critters don’t read, who wouldn’t have one or both of my emotions.
I’m relieved that some legislators have a conscience but cynical that a separate bill is needed to override the provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act. Why was this atrocious bill passed in the first place? What were they thinking?
Until this bill wends its way through Congress the American people are vulnerable to Bill of Rights abuses. There’s always the chance that this bill stalls in Congress while American falls back to sleep and forgets about it. Also, there’s a chance that the Supremes would hear the first case involving the 1031 provisions of the NDAA but that could take years, especially, if someone is taken from their home in the middle of the night and is denied access to counsel.
Cynical “me” feels this may be a way for derelict legislators to cover their hinnies! When people are deprived due process they become political prisoners. Politics is becoming a blood sport…
I plan to follow this issue and will keep you apprised!